The KoF has landed! (Long, rambling review....)

If you want to see what is INSIDE the KoF, nip over to the Loco and Trams forum, where I've just posted a new thread: Jon.
that other thread that started out "Does anyone have a new HSB kof? yet?"
just turned into a bunch of lgb-bashing, marklin bashing...and absolutely NO REAL PERSON that actually owned a unit and test run it. Finally,in this review the real test-drive is out, and the model looks absolutely breath-taking ( as far as a shunter can be breath-taking...:) ) and shows that Team Marklin gives a damn about us LGBers.
Zerogee said:
If you want to see what is INSIDE the KoF, nip over to the Loco and Trams forum, where I've just posted a new thread:


Has anyone dug around the motor yet to check whose make Marklin/LGB are using on the new models?
whatlep said:
Zerogee said:
If you want to see what is INSIDE the KoF, nip over to the Loco and Trams forum, where I've just posted a new thread:


Has anyone dug around the motor yet to check whose make Marklin/LGB are using on the new models?

'Fraid not, I resisted the temptation to dismantle the motor block just out of curiosity... this will have to be up to someone else to do on theirs!
Actually, is there any kind of spares listing available from Marklin for new LGB products? That should tell us if they are still using the old standard motors or something different?

No-one else here has mentioned that they've got a new KoF yet - when I last spoke to Jeremy he said that all the batch he'd received (eight, I think) had now been sold, so either they went to folks who aren't GSC members (and given Jeremy's discount deal if nothing else, why on Earth not...?) or some of you out there have them and are not letting on....... ;)
