The LLR (Littleover Litttle Railway)

Robert Howard


Hi All,

After asking a few questions on this site, I have got my first railway working!

Lots of work still to do but through it was time I put up some pictures.

I am definitely at the toy end of the spectrum and hopefully you will not find the number of R1 curves too offensive.  ;)

Top down view of the railway so far. This will hopefully eventually be the top loop of a larger dog bone.

The station (awaiting buildings and details)

Thomas heading down to the bottom end of the loop:

Tracks pointing down the garden for phase 2:

Anyway, any feedback and advice appreciated. Go easy as I am a newbie to this garden railway malarkey!  :P


Looks like a good start to me!! 'Thumbs-up' smiley if there was one.
Looking good Robert. A much better start than my first effort. Littleover, would that be near Derby by any chance.
Looks like there´s room for expansion here .... :P
Not too far from me then.
Lot of piccys we like to see on here, post away
Care full it can get addictive.
Garden railway photos 604 (Small).jpg
That's a really good start. Makes my latest effort look tiny.

I like the way it fits in with what's there.
A really great start and a very good way of using the space around the green house!
You're making a good start - well done. I'm only a few miles away from you ,too.
Looks really great - you've made a very good start - the tracks to nowhere give the impression you are committed to expansion. Always a good sign

Thanks all for the encouragement!

The greenhouse was one of the conditions of the railway. Seems to have won over the family so we have started planning phase2. Currently it only goes a third of the way down the garden, so plenty of room for expansion. :o

Will be back with more pictures and questions.

Well done Rob?

Look forward to seeing more....
Looks like a good start. It's amazing how quickly expansion begins even when you've only just got a first layout down.

Just be careful with the track spacings where your proposed extension begins. Looks abit close for comfort, especially when you inevitably end up running more than one train at a time!
Take you longest and widest waggons, coaches whatever, and ensure that they don´t catch on platforms etc. when passing - or on eachother - that´s my specialty. :-\
And then add a bit aswell! We almost all start off with little starter set coaches but before long end up with longer and longer coaches and wagons. After 5 years of being laid, just recently have we discovered 1 corner of the railway where 2 specific types of coach catch on eachother, despite everything else having plenty of clearance!