The Woodlock Line

But then again, who ever heard of Royston? :devil:
I went to Royston Shed in the 50’s, quite a few 4f’s and lots of 8 freights. Lovely place. I also used to go fishing near there on a disused canal in the 80’s, still lovely.
Spring is most definitely in the air. And the entire line is now rail clamped with the exception of sidings. They're next. IMG_20220320_114000.jpgIMG_20220320_115359.jpgIMG_20220320_105853.jpgIMG_20220320_100731.jpgIMG_20220320_100654.jpg
A little new video from the last few days of nice weather. Still trying to master this Gopro lark....
Very impressive! I especially like the brightwork on the steam engine. Is that an LGB mogul? Is the piping stock or did you install it yourself?