The Woodlock Line

Starting to look the business now Duncan :D
Excuse the poor quality of the photos, but it was getting dark here in deepest darkest West Yorkshire. Since last time, I have `obtained` some stone from a local farmer, as a pose to paying £4 per piece at the garden centre. This will now be back filled with soil up to the track. One of my xmas presents was the `Green River` station building from Piko, so this is now in the garden, and quite a lot more planting has taken place. I will take better pictures in due course, but this brings the thread up to date for a small while.



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I´d consider a set of stepping stones down the around the edge of the track (courtesy of above farmer), just in case - and don´t ask me how I know - you need to get access to train.
Just a little bit of me wants to ask how you know to put stepping stones there now!

And, does anyone know of any manufacturers that do signage, i really fancy some of the american style Railroad Crossing signs/crosses?
:) Just picked up on this thread.... very good, and logical work. You should be pleased with the outcome. As for 'fill' material, I would not recommend bark chip, it tends to blow away, break down, and/or turn a horrible grey colour. May I suggest some well placed stepping stones, and fill in with round peebles, easier on your feet than sharp chips).
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Trains expected to be running soon, after yet more soil, more plants, and a few buildings from Christmas and my birthday, I can feel at ease a little. PS, anyone who is thinking of moving house, and wants to rebuild their railway from scratch at the new house........... STAY PUT! Now, where`s the bag of ballast?

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duncan1_9_8_4 said:

PS, anyone who is thinking of moving house, and wants to rebuild their railway from scratch at the new house........... STAY PUT! Now, where's the bag of ballast?

Now he tells us................... :o :o :o :o :o
Nice bit of colour variation in your planting - doesn't seem like winter!
Rhinochugger said:
Now he tells us................... :o :o :o :o :o
Bit late for me too Chugs....
bit more gravel to cover the weed control felt. just need to sort the electrics out and ballast the rest of the track, maybe a few more American buildings....
That was fast. It´s looking very good. Roll on springtime ;D
rsz_dsc_0092.jpg rsz_dsc_0093.jpg Bit dull today but its only a picture update after a little more ballasting. And I got some line side fence, and a bear!
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Looking really super, that, and it won't be long before it is all established and providing a great backdrop to the trains. I hope we'll see some more piccies as the year progresses, though you've already worked wonders.
It's come along nicely! Organized and good looking.
rsz_dsc_0117.jpg rsz_dsc_0119.jpg rsz_dsc_0120.jpg rsz_dsc_0121.jpg rsz_dsc_0127.jpg rsz_dsc_0137.jpg Its been a long time since the last picture update, so here it is, an update. The line is now wired up and becomes alive with just the flick of a switch now, rather than miles of extension cables etc.
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Looking good mate....