Tiny Motor/gearbox question?

Looks like you've got the jumper across the H setting so you wire the micro switches as shown in the diagram in post #16.
I can't tell which of the contacts on the switches is Normally Open (NO) and which is Normally Closed (NC). I think, usually the bottom connector is Common, the upper connector on the side is NC and the lower connector is NO. So, connect the Common to the positive terminal of your trigger circuit and the NO terminal to one of the trigger inputs to the module. I'll try drawing you a diagram later.

A bit rough and ready, but hopefully the wiring should make sense when compared with the other wiring diagrams.


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Following the link, there is a better picture of the unit, and the common of the relay screw terminals is in the middle..

You will need to adjust the wiring at those terminals.

As Phil suggests. There won't be a delay at the end of each ride for the passengers to disembark and embark. You could include a couple of delay modules for this

Can these be supplied by the same battery pack?

Did you buy a 5V, 12V, or 24V unit, and what does the motor need?

You may need to drop the motor voltage, to make the car run at a reasonable speed?

The change in direction, will be 'instantaneous' so slower will be 'better' IMHO.

Can these be supplied by the same battery pack?
Yes, if the motor voltage is the same as the trigger voltage. Looks like you've bought a module with 12v relays, so if your motor can be powered by 12v then, yes, you can use the same supply for both

Hi Folks,

Cable car success! Sorry to go on about this but, just for the record, Rik your Post 16 in this thread (motor circuit diagram) was correct and the motor now reverses when each switch is clicked :) hurrah! Your later, revised diagram in Post 17 in this thread and subsequent sketch diagram however don't work . . . . just in case someone else wants to try it. btw thanks to all for help with this. It was starting to get to me.