Train Engineer alternatives if it dies ?

You might prefer the smaller Deltang-type handset/controller, rather than a cumbersome 'stick' R/C transmitter unit? - Else, yes it will work.
Oh, and the Revolution is a different beast.. Full voltage on track (or on-board batteries), and a RX/controller in each loco. - Each loco has a different address (not the same as DCC) and you can run a number of loco's at the same time.
You would need a Revolution RX in each loco, so not an easy, or cheap, alternative.
Recently my 27MHz. Train Engineer stopped working. I looked and telephoned the well known UK retailers and managed to get a second hand TE Tx plus Rx from Sandy at Scottish Garden Railways.
I did investigate why my original TE had failed and it was simply due to the AA batteries giving off fumes as they were expiring. A careful clean with a soft tissue over both sides of the pcb and components removed the "film" and brought the TE back to life.
I had intended to look for a s/hand TE: the failure prompted me into action. ;)
This all turned out to be fortunate as it meant that my three existing receivers still had a purpose and were not going to be redundant and I now have a second transmitter and fourth receiver. The fourth Rx is used to control track power, when used, the other three are fitted into battery trailing cars.

The other option, had I not found the s/h TE Tx and Rx. would have been to opt for the Crest Electronics Revolution. Obviously this would have been a more expensive option that the s/h TE. Some REVO's are still available in the UK, I notice, but they are also easily imported direct from Crest in New Jersey.
I did investigate why my original TE had failed and it was simply due to the AA batteries giving off fumes as they were expiring. A careful clean with a soft tissue over both sides of the pcb and components removed the "film" and brought the TE back to life.

Interesting. So the moral is - Always remove the batteries from your TE TX when storing for a period of time ? Had mine for 11 years and not had that problem to date. Must have got lucky. Better take the batteries out now as it will be laid up till next spring. Good tip. Max.
Truthfully, I believe it was the cheap batteries (£1 for about 10 in the discount shops) that may have been the issue more than storage time.
They were all I had when battery change was needed.

Memo: Get some good batteries at the Exeter Show!! this week-end. ;)
Train Engineer dies?

Isn't that what a 'Dead Man's Handle' is for?


Is the TE similar to the Revolution handset??
The Revo (handset) shuts down if the volts get too low.. Could it just have been your cheapy batteries were a little low??
I tried new batteries without success. I am sure it was how I described in Post 30. A motor vehicle electronics engineer did confirm my thoughts about the 'slime' ( I used the word film) as he called it.