Out of interest - what colour were the prototype when operated by Deutsche Reichesbahn (DR)? Was it the 'LGB' red back then? or has it always been maroon?
The 2-10-2 is Mr. Regner´s own pre-production model. When I took the picture 2 months ago, 80% of the locos where pre-ordered, so the first run is probably sold out by now.
He liked the train-Line coaches, so he bought some, to run at exibitions, although they come with the wrong type of bogies.
The track in the pictures is low Code 250 stainless steal, made in Germany for miha-modell + . In Germany it costs much less, than the huge Code 332 brass profiles.
Regarding the colours of the LGB coaches. To my knowledge, they never ran in that bright red livery.
The Harz coach livery was green originally but changed to the well known red and cream during the Communist years, would have to look up the dates, and they never were bright red as the LGB models but that still looks good
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