trying to use my MTS3 with mfx locos, need help

It seems massoth , at least, does this electronics thing full time, long term.

Correct, but the translations can be a little 'hit or miss'..

I thought you *might* have a problem with your older loco's being serial for some of the sound commends.
I am also mindful that the marklin/LGB decoders have 'left-behind' serial support.

As long as you are aware of the 'gotcha's for address programming with the Massoth system, and whilst there is a critical mass of LGB (and other makes) with Massoth electronics (even some LGB electronics was made by Massoth) then it does seem a viable option.

If you have a local group/club, it is always worth seeing what the majority there use? - A little local-knowledge can be very useful when starting out.

Just my ten-cents.. :)
yeah as for the gotchas, I haven't the basic understanding to get these.

As for train types, having been a short term member of the Denver Garden Railroad Society perhaps a decade back, I don't seem to be the club type. I may have to revisit this, but, im a bit of a loaner in some of my interests, but for music.

I like to play trains, but, feel indifferent to ruminating over them with least for more than twenty minutes.
I guess my interest has always been coupled with sort of an or own little momentary suspension of disbelief.
yeah as for the gotchas, I haven't the basic understanding to get these.

As for train types, having been a short term member of the Denver Garden Railroad Society perhaps a decade back, I don't seem to be the club type. I may have to revisit this, but, im a bit of a loaner in some of my interests, but for music.

I like to play trains, but, feel indifferent to ruminating over them with least for more than twenty minutes.
I guess my interest has always been coupled with sort of an or own little momentary suspension of disbelief.
Steve, entirely understand your misgivings about Club Types and meets. However this is a way to get to know others that may be able to assist locally. Perhaps you may find one or two that gell with you / help you what you need to understand and perhaps you may help with the odd guy to be able to understand and move forward with a friendship that can endure Model railway wise. I know this happened for me at my workplace and I have some guys that now visit from 150 miles away for regular train running sessions on my line. Plus I keep meeting up with some of the bods on this forum at Shows and Casey at his CFR.
Thanks. I shall make the effort, as you are absolutely correct.. We’re not all the same, but there are common interests.
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FYI, the serial handheld always sends out serial pulses. If you hit the 7 key you get 7 F1 pulses to simulate F7 IF the decoder accepts serial commands.
I can tell you that LGB of old wwith massoth manufactured decoders do accept serial commands but they can be turned off in the decoders.
Zimo decoders can accept serial commands.
If you have the parallel handheld it defaults to serial and you must hit F and 9 to get parallel commands.
Before spending $$ I would try to understand better what you have and what you get with the navigator.
You have serial only handheld, limited short address and 14 speed steops with 24 volt system and 5 amps.
The Navigator will give you 28 speed steps, parallel control and long addressing for at least 9,999 addresses and even possibly programming without the LGB method.

Newer systems like Massoth and Zimo will give you 14/28/128 speed steps, serail and parallel operation, more than 5 amps track power, connections for smart phones/tablets to run the trains.

To me this is a no brainer, get the newer system with more current to the track and 24 volts with out using boosters.
Actually, the slider shows the speed of the loco, if you switch locos, the slider will show you the existing speed of the loco, and your speed setting... it allows you to move the slider and "pick up" the new loco without any change in speed. So, basically it tells you the speed of the "new" loco and allows you to synchronize the slider to match it.

The amount of features is really beyond anything else I have tried, and new features are added, about 3 or 4 times a year.
