G Scale, 7/8th's, Electronics
It seems massoth , at least, does this electronics thing full time, long term.
Correct, but the translations can be a little 'hit or miss'..
I thought you *might* have a problem with your older loco's being serial for some of the sound commends.
I am also mindful that the marklin/LGB decoders have 'left-behind' serial support.
As long as you are aware of the 'gotcha's for address programming with the Massoth system, and whilst there is a critical mass of LGB (and other makes) with Massoth electronics (even some LGB electronics was made by Massoth) then it does seem a viable option.
If you have a local group/club, it is always worth seeing what the majority there use? - A little local-knowledge can be very useful when starting out.
Just my ten-cents..