tac foley
Tac, they are not 'history'. You can still buy the 2nd version 2-6-0 and Bachmann is still making them, with the pnp socket in the tender. Similarly the 'industrial' 2-6-0, the various 0-4-0T and even the Lyn was reworked. While street price for the 2-6-0 is $600, it's still a bargain compared with an Accucraft.
LGB and Piko are producing those nice Moguls, etc., and the Forney.
Over here, we currently have a glut of hardly-used collections being sold. I speculate it's the baby-boomers who bought tons of trains 20 years ago and forgot to build a railway. Aristo 2-8-0s pop up regularly, hardly used, and I've heard it said that Bachmann isn't producing more of the old Aristo models as there are too many on the market.
Bachmann 1/20.3 'Spectrum' models - the brain-children of the late Mr Riley -
The Connie - Bachmann's version of a preserved Mexican sugar plantation 2-8-0 - history.
The two-truck Shay - history.
The three-truck Shay - history.
The Climax - history.
The Heisler - history.
The American 4-4-0 - history.
The old-style Mogul - history.
The K27 - history.
The 'Lyn' HAS been reworked, granted, but has a lot more popularity here in UK because of its association with the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway, where a full-size replica was built by Alan Keefe, coming into service a couple of years back.
I dimly recall a Forney of some kind, but maybe that was wishful thinking - whatever, I've never seen one.
We should be grateful to Bachmann for their daring to bring such products to the market in the fust place - for sure it will never happen again.