Unusual/strangest "Real Figures" that have visited your Railway

Oh yes Andrew`s spider has very good taste  :) I have some 2006 Margaux (Chateau Palmer) gathering dust in the cellar waiting for a suitably special occasion (although we did drink one bottle just for testing purposes - it`s still a bit young ;). Seeing as none of the kids seem in a hurry to get married we may well drink some on our 40th anniversary in 4 years time...hic...

Anyhoo, back to the topic...
All these were photographed along side the railway.  I`m looking for the photos of the turtle actually laying eggs by the track!
I didn`t hang around long enough to capture a photo of the snake on the track!

Oh the Collies of course, but they`re not really unusual.....
Great pics - is that some of frog in the plant?
Plenty of frogs in my garden.


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Yes, actually two green tree frogs in that Yuka.
Thought they might be. When we lived in Bermuda, the noise they made at night was cacophonous! We do get them in Australia, but not so loud.

Despite all attempts in the past, I've never managed to get a picture of one, although I've seen them occasionally - tiny things - but never with my camera to hand!

Yes Chris, they make a noise way in excess their size.

They're really tame here and all over the yard in the summer. It's almost difficult not to photograph them!
Do strange men rolling around the lawn count ?  ;D

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We've had some really great pictures being posted - well, most of them anyhow...

I'm not sure whether humans count...or perhaps they were aliens. Someone will photoshop a pic of a dalek or something before long..(hint).

I picked up (no camera >:() a King Skink yesterday..lovely critters: hold behind the ears...1st time to pick one up, surprised how long the tail was. Put him down, and he ambled off....but they are known to be acclimatized to people...

keep the pics coming...

[Observation - no SWMBOs yet - fair dinkum]
Over the years, a few visitors have passed though.



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Gavin Sowry said:
:D Just done a risk analysis on that suggestion.........

The risk is far too high to go there.......... :-X
Wow - that's a beauty! What kind is it? Never seen one here...
Unlikely perhaps, but often when b'flies emerge from their cocoons, they take a few hours to "dry out"....would be a huge cocoon though!

You could google b'flies for your location...intriguing tho'....