Unusual/strangest "Real Figures" that have visited your Railway

I have had help in the garden this morning from our new puppy Chewy, he gave the track work a once over

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However when he met a loco head on he quickly withdrew his assistance

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PhilP said:
Is he a little less scared of them now though?

He's unsure at the moment, but he will be fine , he will have plenty of time to get use to them weather permitting
Cute critter!
chris beckett said:
Cute critter!

True , and they say pets look like thier owners , so who am I to disagree :D
GNB said:
Spring has arrived...


..and a young frogs mind is on higher things ;).

My Fogs have not yet turned up, should I be worried? Newts are present and judging by the Bubbles on the surface of the Pond in the morning are up to all sorts in the murky depths.
steinman said:
I have had help in the garden this morning from our new puppy Chewy, he gave the track work a once over


However when he met a loco head on he quickly withdrew his assistance


What a little cutie, hope he has a long, healthy and of course happy life.
Our newts started to appear at the end of the last cold snap.

Frogs have been singing quite lustily for bout a fortnight and started to spawn at the weekend. 

More are arriving, and with a certain inevitability here`s a frog on the points...


Sorry ;).
The frogs in the pond?,,,,,,,are they part of the new Prehm figure range? ;) ;) ;) ;)
Maybe I should have switched the power on ;D

Massive Muncher.JPG

cleaning them out of steam loco valve gear is not nice. :'(
Great pics, guys, keep them coming!
We have yet to see the Spring Peeper toads. Not quite warm enough for them to be chasing each other around the pond. But when they do, they produce thousands of tiny black tadpoles. They must be up to something....................
Spring has definitely arrived when the jackdaws take up trainspotting...
..along with a very handsome friend.
trammayo said:
Maybe I should have switched the power on ;D


Don't switch the power on, it fries them wonderfully well. But the mess they leave behind eats into the rails.
Hmmm.. SWMBO and I are divided about what caused this damage. Possibly a Possum snouting around...


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Creatures eh? They have no appreciation! Makes you wonder what happens during the night and just what pays a visit ::)
Tempted to set up a webcam, motion initiated. The neighbours reckon they have Possums, but I'm not so sure (they always pee in the same place, and no sign of that). Possums are pretty small, and are hunting for fruit/nuts, none of which apply to my g'rail. No dogs; no cats,,, I'm leaning to the idea it is a male' roo jumping over a 7ft fence, and can smell the scent of the yearnga females (joeys). Bloody nuisance, whatever; I still keep working on new models, whilst the wildlife destroy the old!