Unusual/strangest "Real Figures" that have visited your Railway

Hehe, we use timms traps on possums, but then, you aren't allowed to do that. :P
These guys came back just about a month ago, eventually the whole family of four were munching away at my weeds etc, well, there's not much else in my garden. The thing is this is on the edge of the city, not out inView attachment 202508 the wildsj

Nice visitors - great to see you on the Forum again Cyril.
This lot has been making a nuisance of themselves lately (big droppings). It's quite tricky to snap them, because they are very timid and for good reason: last year's dozen was put in the freezer by the neighbours.

Elegant birds when viewed in the wild. Or so thought Ben Franklin. He wanted it to be our national bird. Somehow I think the eagle voters made a better choice.
I just wonder what has happened to the originator of this thread?
Elegant birds when viewed in the wild. Or so thought Ben Franklin. He wanted it to be our national bird. Somehow I think the eagle voters made a better choice.
I think poor old Ben needed new glasses!! The ones we get here in California are big UGLY things that run around in herds terrorizing the suburbs!