USA Trains Hudson Electrical Drgs & Smoker Voltages - please!!

Get a Zimo decoder set up properly and run on DC mode... you will probably have to have someone custom program it for you. It has been done.

Since this thread is a year old, I wonder what became of Silverfox's project.


Don't know a thing about decoders or even how to use them. I just use a standard 10AMP AristoCraft Power Pack, TE receiver and transmitter to run trains. Other than running off the power pack in PWC mode, I know extremely little about decoders, what they do or how they work. Just never got into that, just too costly for my pocketbook at the moment. So I was trying to make a poor mans Chuff & Puff smoke, but couldn't seem to get anything I attempted to work out. So I just live with the steady output of the smoke unit.
You need a solid state power switch, a hall effect sensor to trigger faster, and a 555 timer circuit to get the pulse duration... it can be done cheaply, but it's not off the shelf. Get yourself an electrical engineer as a friend... could design it in a flash. I'd do it, but the rub will be debugging it across the nation, you need a buddy in town.

You need a solid state power switch, a hall effect sensor to trigger faster, and a 555 timer circuit to get the pulse duration... it can be done cheaply, but it's not off the shelf. Get yourself an electrical engineer as a friend... could design it in a flash. I'd do it, but the rub will be debugging it across the nation, you need a buddy in town.

Hi Greg, my field of employment was electronics for 40+ years, worked as an assembler, then electronic technician and also a prototype engineer in proto-type labs, if I had a starting place for the circuit{schematic}, I could probably debug it to make it work, may take me a little time and effort, but think I could possibly pull it off. I have 555 timers and all kinds of electronic components in my storehouse of parts.

Just my vision issues won't allow me to work in that environment commercially or via military contract specs, but making something for myself, well it doesn't have to be as perfect as if working for a mil spec contract or commercial entity. :)
There are a ton of 555 timer circuits on the web. Pick one that will let you vary the pulse width/duration. I'm sure you can find something suitable, and the hall effect triggers nowadays mostly run on 5 volts and will trigger the 555 directly. Put a snubbing diode across the fan motor leads and you get BEMF braking on the fan too.
