I'm very pleased with how it's turned out.
I did take it today for a run at the East Sussex G Scale Society's track, but both it and the Castle refused to stay on the track. There is a certain amount of undulation on that track which other members stock (mostly LGB) seemed fine with, but not mine. Oh well, it does run faultlessly (so far) on my layout, so that'll do for me.
Anyway, my current problem is that I think it doesn't look quite right on it's own. I have an IP kit of a small luggage brake van which I'm putting together to go behind it in brown, but I kind of think I may 'need' to build another coach - maybe the brake to go with it... Not quite sure what to do about the roof though, that came from the remains of the kit that started the project. GRS do sell a W&L roof (not in stock at the moment), but it's 4 cm shorter than this one, so that wouldn't work. Anyway a thought for another day!