Clencher's Bogleman
This may seem a bit of a simple question, and I hope it has a simple answer!
When a model is fitted with LED lamps (standard LEDs with resistors soldered to them, not the tiny surface-mount things), and you want to install a DCC decoder, do you simply wire up each LED/resistor unit to the relevant lighting output of the decoder, just as you would an ordinary bulb? Obviously unlike a bulb they are polarity-sensitive, so I'll need to take account of whether the function output or the return is positive or negative (I'll be wiring the LEDs all through the four-pin micro-CT plug that handles the lighting on a Massoth LS decoder), but is there anything else I need to watch for?
The current (pun intended) resistors are for analogue operation - can I leave them as they are (and adjust the decoder lighting output voltage CV if necessary) or will I need to change the resistor value at all for DCC?
Thanks for any advice,
When a model is fitted with LED lamps (standard LEDs with resistors soldered to them, not the tiny surface-mount things), and you want to install a DCC decoder, do you simply wire up each LED/resistor unit to the relevant lighting output of the decoder, just as you would an ordinary bulb? Obviously unlike a bulb they are polarity-sensitive, so I'll need to take account of whether the function output or the return is positive or negative (I'll be wiring the LEDs all through the four-pin micro-CT plug that handles the lighting on a Massoth LS decoder), but is there anything else I need to watch for?
The current (pun intended) resistors are for analogue operation - can I leave them as they are (and adjust the decoder lighting output voltage CV if necessary) or will I need to change the resistor value at all for DCC?
Thanks for any advice,