Any chance of a photo of the undersides of both Stainzes, Trevor?
EDIT: Oops, sorry, posted that before I looked at your latest post with the pics!
OK, looking at the pictures..... I'd say that the gold sticker on the left one MIGHT be of questionable provenance - it does indeed suggest 1988, but both Stainzes are quite early models with the "clamshell" gearboxes - '88 seems very late for one to be built with that type of gearbox, but others here might know otherwise?
As clamshell-gearbox models, they are DCC-chippable but need a little more conversion work and hard-wiring than later versions would. It's still not a difficult job, though getting them back together again afterwards can be fiddly. You'll need a basic wired decoder for each, with around a 1.5-2.0amp power capacity - a Massoth L would do nicely, though if you're looking at the new MD/Modell-Land decoders that we've been discussing then their "S" type here:
would do just fine at a considerable cost saving.
Do note, to avoid confusion, that the MD/ML decoders seem to use a different terminology to Massoth - a Massoth "S" is a sound-only decoder to add-on to a driving decoder, but MD/ML uses "S" to describe their small driving decoder; the only one that correlates exactly is the "L".