XLS Massoth Decoder and Massoth 8414002 Auto Uncoupler

Hi Again
I have pulled the uncouples out of the engine . They both work on 18v but you have to press the button quite a few times to get them to work . I increased the DC voltage to 20.2 DCV but still have the same problem, Only work Occasionally . They do have a very slight movement when the button is pressed, but continued pressing dose seem to heat them up a bit. I bought a new Multi meter to check Voltage . I have attached a few Photos for how I am testing them only using A4 Function Button. I did hear some where that the early model Uncouples were a bit hard to get to work.
Thanks Frank


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Strange, can you change your function output to "latched" / "toggled"?

I think you are getting a pulse that is too short.

Did you try a completely independent test? Just try a regular DC power supply of 18v (even batteries) and connect the plus and minus wires, and then touch the "trigger" wire to minus. That will affirm correct operation.

Something is not right.

Hi All
Just thought I would update you on my progress. I think I have found my problem. I have split the Uncoupler and turned the screw in about a quarter of a turn on each shalft this frees up the Nut and fits the uncoupler more easier I also put a touch of grease on the shaft. I have tested both and they both work from the A4 button with each press. Will test it again in the morning , I hope it still works. Have attached a photo. I think they may have been tampered with at the retailers .


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That's great, as I said, something not adding up, the coupler could not be so sensitive that 2 volts would make a difference, and the function connection is just a logic line, voltage has no effect (actually there is NO voltage on a decoder function "output", they are either floating or pull to ground).

So, I would like an answer, are these "momentary", i.e. the output is "activated" as long as you hold the button?

Also, was hoping to get the answer about the outputs, when set to "full" there should be no PWM, the function output should be pulled to ground 100% of the time.

Anyway, a long learning experience on these uncouplers!

Hi Greg .
No the Button is inverted One press on the button and that starts the Uncoupler till it stops open, then another press on the button stars the uncoupler back to its closed position. I haven't checked the uncouplers this morning yet back feel confident that they will work. Thanks Everyone for all your help , It is nice to know there are others out there that can help when problems Arise .
Thanks again Frank.
No Greg the motor dose not seem to get warm with the open position, if I operate the uncoulper more that say 6 -10 times it dose seem to warm up and the Function Button will not work. Not as good as I thought Seems the travel of the screw back when the uncoupler is sent back to normal runs the screw back passed the half turn I put in earlier . If I disassemble the unit and turn the Screw the half or quarter turn again I can easily assemble the unit again . With out the Half turn it is a very tight fit and then I need quite a few Presses on the function Button to get it working. With the half turn the Function seems to work OK it assembles easy with no tight fit . Dose the Unit rely on resistance to change Polarity to the Turn the screw each way . Can the screw turns be adjusted . I will get this thing to work one day. Hope I explained this OK

Thanks Frank