1/24 bullbozer

My local modelshop just got the excavator in from this RC Revell Control range for £40. They seem to be from three different makers absorbed into Revell. I already have the forklift which is 1/20th and the excavator and front loader appear to be around 1/24 to 1/26th.

Edit to clear up subject is RC


they should be a lot cheaper than that, I got my digger for £17.50 and the bullbozer for £8.99 and they will at the show at Stafford with Steve Hardin , he has managed to get a pitch at the show and he will have all the different vehicles .so do not buy yet wait for the show
Graham Shrewsbury
The Revell machines include R/C, so not that expensive.
Now iv seen the picture I want one or two shame you cant leave them out in my quarry they would look good and for £40 to good to refuse .

Graham Shrewsbury