Accucraft live steam Mogul

Giving the mogul a clean I remembered something which might be important! I sometimes had the burner blow out at start up, when big globs of oily water were exhausted. Following various trials I decided that the problem was the exhaust pipe going up the smokebox into the chimney. I unscrewed this to see if it made a difference. IT DID! Not only no more blowing out but much freer running. Maybe you should try that?
Thanks again Ken for your suggeations. I will give this one a try although my track is sitting under a layer of leaves right now. Hope to make a last run of the season yet though.
I have come late to this discussion but earlier posted about my early experience with the Mogul. I have subsequently seemed to have shared all the experiences and tried all the remedies of others at one time or another. Having got mine to about the best state that I can, it is still underpowered compared with my other locos (Accucraft Sandy River, Pearse Sierra Nevada and Cheddar Philadelphia. Valve timing is a compromise between port and starboard. Mine has a single eccentric. I do not know whether all Moguls have a single eccentric or indeed the history of single eccentrics vs double eccentrics in the Accucraft model range. Perhaps you are more vulnerable to wear and manufacturing tolerances with a single eccentric. There are many old posts on Accucraft timing on including very comprehensive details for a double eccentric Ruby ; one post which I think was for a Mogul goes so far as cutting a single eccentric in half using a just a hacksaw - perhaps not for the faint hearted, seemingly with good results.
Which Portland do you call home - East or West?

Whichever, I suggest that you make a call to Accucraft US in Union city CA. I'm not sure if Bob Sobranyi is still there, but I'm pretty sure they will look to helping you out. I've never been let down.

Anyhow, if you've been looking at this thread you will have figured out that there are early and later versions of this loco - some with the gas tank in the cab and others with it in the tender.

Hope you get sorted out.
Which Portland do you call home - East or West?

Whichever, I suggest that you make a call to Accucraft US in Union city CA. I'm not sure if Bob Sobranyi is still there, but I'm pretty sure they will look to helping you out. I've never been let down.

Anyhow, if you've been looking at this thread you will have figured out that there are early and later versions of this loco - some with the gas tank in the cab and others with it in the tender.

Hope you get sorted out.
Thanks! I've sent an email to the general Accucraft email, but no reply as of yet. I'll try a call and ask for Bob. Thanks again.
We still don't know which Portland you live in, but I guess it really doesn't matter. I promise not to come and rob you.
YAY!!! THE Portland of our dreams, in spite of all the recent troubles...


I guess I'm lucky - we are too poor to buy anything these days, so paying taxes like VAT on importations are a thing of the past...........................