given this was only really a transition track I don't have a problem with driving it. The continuous runs in orange and blue can be left to roundy-round.
Very fair points. Nikki said something similar about getting bogged down in planning. The limitation has been given recent travelling and the move it's been harder to
just be in the Garden since we moved in a couple of weeks ago. We expect in the next couple of weeks our builders will remove the 3 trees in the garden so we'll have the blank slate ready.
, in response to your questions:
1 what do I wish to achieve from my garden railway?
For us, it will be about having a
railway in the garden. An interesting feature to excite our guests. My hobbies are both garden railways and pond keeping so the idea of being able to do either of those with the other in the background is wonderful. When it is in a fair state, we'd love to host open days for the public to raise money for charity and then running days for anyone that wants to come and
play (although I've not found any 45mm friends in Jersey yet!)
2 do I just want to watch trains go round and round?
This is what I'd consider the default mode of operation particularly for when we have guests/BBQs etc. However, I enjoyed running trains with
65 1057
when we had a running session together. It was less about operations (shunting, timetables etc) but running 2 trains on the same line and having to navigate that. With the
Balcon Bahn, I did some basic operations which I quite enjoyed (used a spreadsheet to pick wagons / order) but never done it in full. It's something I'd like to explore more but not the
reason for being.
3 do I want to run timetables?
No - I don't think it's my interest (although, admittedly, have never done it)
4 do I want lots of places for wagons to run to so that trains have lots of shunting to do?
This was something I was thinking about originally but didn't include in the plan. Given the space (although I feel very lucky) it feels like the trade-off was two continuous running lines
or yards/destinations for shunting. Would love to explore that, though.
5 what size trains do I want?
Not short (more than 3/4 2 axels) but nothing prototypical. Trains that are ~3-4 LGB HSB carriages or 4-8 two axels are probably the realm I was thinking.
6 is my line going to be Harz based? If so remember pre wall that much freight was moved in mixed passenger trains with freight wagons attached pre Stiege Loop build.
7 what prototype gauge will I be modelling?
8 750mm or Metre Gauge?
I think I can answer these together. This is where I'm invoking Rule 8. For me, it is some vague fictional (mostly) narrow-gauge in the DACH region. However, I wouldn't rule out having the odd meter garage tank loco and a
special American steam mogul (Nikki's request)
10 Minimum Radius Of curves?
LGB R3 as the prevailing wisdom. I'll probably use R1 turnouts in the storage tracks in the garage given I have so many.
11 will my line be on the ground or raised?
It will be raised by at least 30cm due to the floor of the garage being this height. However, it will be in raised planters/flower beds as opposed to running on stilts.
We're going to order some of the materials we know we'll need (concrete blocks, for example) so we can start laying things out a bit more as per
Paul M
's suggestion and seeing how it feels to run. Given the moving is
done we'll have time to spend in/on the garden!