Philbahn said:Come on Mel get some morework done on it. I'm waiting to go further with mine.:admire:
Gizzy said:Philbahn said:Come on Mel get some morework done on it. I'm waiting to go further with mine.:admire:
You'll have to wait until after this weekend Phil?
Mel's gone to visit his daughter in the big smokey city, so I guess he'll come back home looking a little weathered himself....
yb281 said:Gizzy said:Mel's gone to visit his daughter in the big smokey city, so I guess he'll come back home looking a little weathered himself....
Not THAT big a smokey city Giz, only Southampton. Still big enough for a country boy loik me though .
Back home tomorrow night Phil. Got a bit of a busy start to the week, MIL's having a wet-room done ala Nodog, but I'll see if I can get the old airbrush fired up sometime. Still drooling over that wagon of yours with the Hi-Ab on the back BTW :admire:.
Gives time for the paint to dry on all of oursGizzy said:You'll have to wait until after this weekend Phil?
Mel's gone to visit his daughter in the big smokey city, so I guess he'll come back home looking a little weathered himself....
pugwash said:Mel, I see the sense of the tool truck you bought but a crane usually has a (short flat) match truck otherwise its working radius would be seriously limited. Not that I'm suggesting you spend more money and come up with another wonderfully detailed wagon, oh no.
Here is my admittedly pathetic effort which obviously needs colouring in:
and while we're here, my MOW train which is a 'tribute train' to one you did some while back:
So now you see why I'm interested in an airbrush and your techniques!
No, it was smaller and more simple (bit like me) and probably older too. Google time I reckonSteve said:Ian is this the one you refer to
yb281 said:pugwash said:Mel, I see the sense of the tool truck you bought but a crane usually has a (short flat) match truck otherwise its working radius would be seriously limited. Not that I'm suggesting you spend more money and come up with another wonderfully detailed wagon, oh no.
Here is my admittedly pathetic effort which obviously needs colouring in:
and while we're here, my MOW train which is a 'tribute train' to one you did some while back:
So now you see why I'm interested in an airbrush and your techniques!
Cheers Ian. Nice models.
I have been in discussion with Gizzy about the possibilty of adding a match truck. The problem I've got is the limited length of my sidings at the moment (soon to be put right with a bit of luck).
I thought that match trucks were usually added to cranes to cope with the over-hang of the jib? Have I got that wrong?
It's going to be a self propellent crane? :thinking:yb281 said:Think I might need to get a new can of propellent.
pugwash said:Ah, sweet memories.
Yellow, yellow,'ve started it now, Gizzy. Mind you this could be the colour match you were after