ebay mike's expedition

Add me to the list, too, please, Mike. It will most likely be my temporary, indoor layout on the floor you travel on, but if weather permits I will set up something around the pond.

I took part in a similar exercise with a Playmobil figure years ago with varied success.
I've just thought, depending on how late in the journey you reach me, my outdoor loop might be available to drive you round.
Don't get many visitors but maybe the line would show less of a loss if I carried passengers so your welcome to drop by South Devon where it's always warm and sunny according to the publicity people !
Don't get many visitors but maybe the line would show less of a loss if I carried passengers so your welcome to drop by South Devon where it's always warm and sunny according to the publicity people !
Well, I see there's a Devonport in New Zealand, which might be warm and sunny this time of year ;)
And a Devon on the North Saskatchewan River near Edmonton, Alta., which almost certainly won't be :mask:
Count me in: The Northern will provide a warm welcome and a pair of (1:20.3) Manx kippers cooked on the fireman's shovel. Which should ensure social distancing at your next layover... :devil:
Where or what are the Nits? If you go there Mike please let me know
If it was quoted by dunnyrail it refers to St Neots in Cambridgeshire Pete.
Yes often get asked about the nits. Started as a mate of mine labelled St.Neots the nits so I have adopted it. Think he may actually have been referring to the people that live here rather than the zoo that kids sometimes get in their hair. Anyway preparations for the arrival of Mike in the nits have reached fever pitch.
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Yes often get asked about the nits. Started as a mate of mine labelled St.Neots the nits so I have adopted it. Think he may actually have been referring to the people that like here rather than the zoo that kids sometimes get in their hair. Anyway preparations for the arrival of Mike in the nits have reached fever pitch.
Thanks for clearing that up, I forgot where I kept reading it on here. Nit (as in daft)was such a common mild insult in the past, not heard it for years
Thanks for clearing that up, I forgot where I kept reading it on here. Nit (as in daft)was such a common mild insult in the past, not heard it for years
Unfortunately the what we used to call bad insults, are now the mild insults of today. Mind you what we used call mild insults, will now put you in prison
Unfortunately the what we used to call bad insults, are now the mild insults of today. Mind you what we used call mild insults, will now put you in prison
Another missing one from my childhood was being called a twit, often used by my schoolmasters to describe me
, amusing now as seemingly the whole world loves Twitter. Luckily I have minimal internet/computer abilities so have escaped prosecution
Another missing one from my childhood was being called a twit, often used by my schoolmasters to describe me
, amusing now as seemingly the whole world loves Twitter. Luckily I have minimal internet/computer abilities so have escaped prosecution
And of course there is the term we used to use for happy carefree children (and adults).
I would also be pleased to accommodate a visit from mini-mike.
My simple circuit is devoid of any attempt at scenery, but perhaps he could don his hat as a bridge inspector?
If it was quoted by dunnyrail it refers to St Neots in Cambridgeshire Pete.
So he (it) has arrived this morning, the pics taken and reposted on to Dave in Ascot. I have started the thread for the pictures, hope that is Ok?

EDIT revised to show he rather than it, that was so rude of me!
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So it has arrived this morning, the pics taken and reposted on to Dave in Ascot. I have started the thread for the pictures, hope that is Ok?
Sounds good to me Jon - what's the thread called and where do we find it?