Feuriger Elias (LGB 2050) - Fiery Elias

Certainly looks pretty, Henri! In all its many versions and liveries, the Fiery Elias has always been a very attractive little machine......

If you can live with the noise, you'll get a lot of pleasure from running that. :)

SWMBO likes it a lot! I scored credit this afternoon!!
You realise this means you will have to buy her a loco all of her own, shame eh? :giggle:
Interestingly, and very relevant to this thread, this afternoon I went to a Garden Open Day hosted by our local (Essex) G Scale Society area co-ordinator - and one of the locos he had was an early "growler" tram EXACTLY like Henri's new acquisition, including the gold embossed lettering. He did say that he hardly ever ran it, but we put it on the track and although it WAS definitely noisier than either a clamshell or modern sandwich gearbox, it wasn't anything like as unpleasant and screamy to the ears as the one in the video that is attached to one of the other recent threads on "growler" locos..... so maybe they are not all as bad as they are made out to be....?

Worst problem is possible Carbon Dust from Motor.

The tabletop Christmas Tree Skirt has to be run through a gentle cold rinse before the regular wash to keep from setting the carbon powder into the fabric. ( A trick learned from the early laser printer business.) Unhappily that doesn't seem to work on carpet.
and a good runner.:)