HARDYARD - A G Scale Indoor Layout

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Progress report on the Portable Layout.

The ballast still hasn't dried as yet! And it has shrunk and cracked in places.

I will buy some ordinary O gauge ballast and use the conventional water/PVA/drop of fairy liquid in a pipette technique to fix this problem. Hopefully though, as it gets warmer, the barn where our MRC workshop is won't be so cold at night, and the ballast will dry.

Mel did say it takes ages to set!
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

The brickpaper had dried okay, as had the lichen which hides a wooden block.

So I weathered the shiny bridge with a rusty looking acrylic paint....
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

A picture of the track and ballasting, with a template kindly sent to me by Resin D Etre.

My garden railway is all R1/R2 and this is the only R3 curve I have access to....
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Can I make a suggestion for the cracks in the ballast Giz? How about covering any cracks with PVA and then dropping a little bit of scatter "grass" onto it - would give the yard a nice, slightly overgrown look? I did something similar around the buffer stop.


It's coming along really nicely mate.
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

yb281 said:
Can I make a suggestion for the cracks in the ballast Giz? How about covering any cracks with PVA and then dropping a little bit of scatter "grass" onto it - would give the yard a nice, slightly overgrown look? I did something similar around the buffer stop.


It's coming along really nicely mate.

Hmmm, I like that idea Mel?

Consider it stolen.... :thumbup:
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

I wonder, with it having cracked already, if more cracking will occur when the layout is transported? I mean the ballasting method seems fine for fixed layouts but I seem to remember Mel's portable being smaller (we are on about the loco shed/storage one, or has there been another?) and this looks a good bit bigger. Perhaps something more flexible should be used to hold the ballast down?
Seeing as I hate having to do the same job more than ten times I would be tempted to do some testing (not that kind :bigsmile: ) and move it about a few times, see if any more damage comes to light.
Still looks the biz and getting better with each instalment. :thumbup:
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

pugwash said:
I wonder, with it having cracked already, if more cracking will occur when the layout is transported? I mean the ballasting method seems fine for fixed layouts but I seem to remember Mel's portable being smaller (we are on about the loco shed/storage one, or has there been another?) and this looks a good bit bigger. Perhaps something more flexible should be used to hold the ballast down?
Seeing as I hate having to do the same job more than ten times I would be tempted to do some testing (not that kind :bigsmile: ) and move it about a few times, see if any more damage comes to light.
Still looks the biz and getting better with each instalment. :thumbup:

Good point, well made, Puggymate!

I'm confident that it's shrinkage. It's O gauge ballast on an area of 120 by 50 cm, so yes it's quite a large area and it's spread on thicker than normal. But I reckon it has Casemite glue in the mix, which does set pretty well solid. I used Casemite to fit a new saddle to my son's acoustic guitar some years ago and its done the job, even with having the tension of the strings to cope with, so I know it's tough stuff!

And it'll get 'tested' when transported in my trailer!

I reckon some added ballast and scatter fixed with PVA will do the job of the repair and make the yard look suitably careworn and run down at the same time. If it does break up, it'll be easy enough to fix up quickly....
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Just wondering if theres gonna be enough room for my cl66??
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

mmts said:
Just wondering if theres gonna be enough room for my cl66??

Plenty of room for Ed's shed mate!

But the curves may be a bit too tight....
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Mr Dremel, cut'n'shut, no problems :thumbup:
A shortie 66? What would that be? 6? 33? :confused:
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

pugwash said:
Mr Dremel, cut'n'shut, no problems :thumbup:
A shortie 66? What would that be? 6? 33? :confused:

Convert it to Bo-Bo and it'll be a 44....
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

The answer came to me this morning, it would be a Clickety, wouldn't it? Bingo! :rolf:
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Moving on, and this project is now being done on a lovely sunny day.

I brought the low relief building home from the MRC....

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

I had a few offcuts of 2"x1" PSE timber, so I cut some up to brace the building and add depth, but also so as to be able to mount the roof.

Note that I cut the roof ends at 45 degrees.

Gizzy's top tip....I used a Mitre Box.

Although I can cut wood reasonably well, I find sawing angles awkward, so why not use a little help?

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

I glued the battens I'd cut onto the back of the board.

The board is some of that Laura Ashley display that seems to get Puggy turned on....
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Gizzy, got a flat truck going spare if you want it for the layout
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Remember my level crossing that I made for my garden railway?

MMTS gave me some recycled plastic corner protectors used for packaging and boxes last year.

I cut the flat pieces away from the corner to make the crossing decking, and I kept the waste for further 'recycling'....
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

That 'corner' bit of the recycled packaging protection has now been 'recycled' for the capping on the slate roof....

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

bigjack said:
Gizzy, got a flat truck going spare if you want it for the layout

Yes please mate....
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Gizzy said:
The board is some of that Laura Ashley display that seems to get Puggy turned on....
I say Sir! I strongly resemble that remark! Are you trying to cross stitch me or infer I press wild flowers?
Sincerely, Dinkles of Derby :rolf::rolf:

No kidding, I just typed that wearing green rubber gloves....
count to 3 and Zmate will post something :bigsmile: