HARDYARD - A G Scale Indoor Layout

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

pugwash said:
Gizzy said:
The board is some of that Laura Ashley display that seems to get Puggy turned on....
I say Sir! I strongly resemble that remark! Are you trying to cross stitch me or infer I press wild flowers?
Sincerely, Dinkles of Derby :rolf::rolf:

No kidding, I just typed that wearing green rubber gloves....
count to 3 and Zmate will post something :bigsmile:
Your new Avatar is just soooo you!

I just might copy, and print those curtains, and use them for the windows in this building....
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

To fix the roof to the building, I had to use some initiative!

I propped up the wall at an angle using a short piece of timber, whilst the UHU did its thing.

A wooden batten was used to put some weight on the wall....

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Once the UHU had set, I added a re-inforcing fillet of hot melt glue.

Belts and braces building....

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

More hot melt glue was added along the join between the roof and the wall....

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

pugwash said:
Let's keep this our little secret, hunny bunny :bigsmile:
they're here:
obviously you might have to resize to suit and I don't know where you will get the matching pouffé covers, just one of lifes little hardships dahling. :bigsmile:
And finally, a posed picture of the almost finished building next to my railway.

Only got to put up those nice curtains from Puggy's pub....

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Cracking stuff Gizzy - looking forward to seeing it in the flesh. When is the first public appearance?
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

beancounter said:
Cracking stuff Gizzy - looking forward to seeing it in the flesh. When is the first public appearance?

Hi Beaniemate!

The plan at the moment is to have the layout ready for the Eastern Rail Show at Dereham on 22 Aug 10, as a G Scale Society exhibit.

However, I have offered it as a display for the Continental Railways Symposium in Bury St Edmunds on 19 Jun 10 and I'm awaiting confirmation from the organiser. (N.B. Admission is by pre-booked ticket for this Symposium, so if you want to come along, then you'll have to contact me for the details.)

I've also heard that there is a show in Norton, near BSE, run by Advent Modellers, so I will contact them this week and find out more details.

I will also take the layout to any Open Days that are organised this summer too....
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Yaaay! Got my first gig!

A local exhibition at Norton, in Suffolk, run by Advent Modellers.

So I need to finish off the layout by 5 Jun 2010.

I was talking to Mel at G Rail this weekend about the 'Brush It On' ballast, which I've found to be spongey in one place, but it seems he has the same on his own diorama, so maybe a bit of give is normal?

Anyhow, I've added some more normal type ballast and I will be fixing it using a G scale version of the pipette filled with a mix of water, PVA and a dash of Fairy Liquid. I've found what I reckon will do the job, so I'll give it a try this coming week and post the results later....
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Gizzy said:
.... I will be fixing it using a G scale version of the pipette filled......

That'd be a watering can then .....

Best of luck for your first show Gizzy - Switzerland and a new train set - life doesn'tget much better.
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

HI mate.....Good to see your thread/news...and good luck with the exhibition.Looks great !! I have been into 00 guage Triang a lot of late,and am displaying at Warley in Dec..My first show.

Hope to get back into G Scale now the weather is looking better !!!

Cheers Mate.

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Thanks, David and Adrian, for your kind words.

I've been thinking about what to do for the back scene. I did ask my Uncle Ian to help, but he's just out of Papworth Hospital, having had a stent fitted.

So PLAN B was put into operation. We have a member of our MRC, Janet, who is a talented artist, and has also painted pictures of several locomotives.

So I have enlisted her help. Here she is getting an idea of the sizes and possibilities for the back scene. She used a model tree to get an idea of perspective....

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

I took several photos for Janet so she could get an idea of what to do, as well as the measurements of the back scene, as she will be painting it at her 'studio' at home.

This one shows the building in place, with a few trees and bushes....

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

After Janet has done the back scene, I will paste it to the board and make a Picket Fence (from wooden coffee stirrers) to place behind the buffers. She had placed a bush here, again to help her judge depth and perception....

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

A picture then, to show progress so far.

The ballast has now just about set, but I need to dribble some more water/PVA to fix the additional loose ballast that I added on the top of the 'Brush It On' mix that I had to 'repair', due to shrinkage. I'm please to be able to report that the fix has worked well....
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Gizzy said:
After Janet has done the back scene, I will paste it to the board and make a Picket Fence (from wooden coffee stirrers) to place behind the buffers. She had placed a bush here, again to help her judge depth and perception....

Funnily enough, a coffee stirrer fence was exactly what I'd got in mind when I started the layout.
Great minds, eh?...

The layout is looking better & better, Gizzy
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

beancounter said:
Gizzy said:
After Janet has done the back scene, I will paste it to the board and make a Picket Fence (from wooden coffee stirrers) to place behind the buffers. She had placed a bush here, again to help her judge depth and perception....

Funnily enough, a coffee stirrer fence was exactly what I'd got in mind when I started the layout.
Great minds, eh?...

The layout is looking better & better, Gizzy
Thanks Beaniemate!

All credit to you too though for your original work.

I haven't done any work on the layout for 3 weeks now, due to illness, holiday and the MRC AGM (which was held at a local pub rather than the club's premises).

However I'm pleased to be able to report that Janet delivered the backscene at the AGM, so we will be fitting this to the layout next Thurdays, ready for its first outing at Norton, Suffolk, on the Saturday. I'd better get the platform (which I've started making) finished quickly then!

I've also helped Janet to get a pitch for her railway art, pictures, cups and coasters at the show, and if anyone asks who did my backscene, well, I'll make sure she gets the credit and the trade too....
Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

The platform for the station building has been finished today.

Just a bit of 1/4 in ply, painted with white textured ceiling paint.

I sprayed it grey, followed by a misting of black to break up the uniformity of the grey and give it that well worn look. The edge of the ply, or platform I left white.

Some PSE timber I had in the shed was used to make the base for the platform, and to save time, I've sprayed it black, but I will eventually cover it in some of the brick paper I have left over fron the station, at the MRC clubrooms.

Finished article posed alongside the track at pebble beach on my garden railway, for effect....

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

Suddenly, the time has come to get the layout finished for my first gig at Norton.

So the Rainy Day Project was completed in my garden on a hot summer's day....

Re:Project for a Rainy Day - A G Scale Diorama

I tried to fix the backscene on with wallpaper paste, but it didn't really work.

Janet, who painted the back scene for me suggested using double sided sticky tape, so I 'borrowed' some from work the next day, and finished the job the night before the exhibition.

It didn't help that a certain numpty forgot to take the back scene home after club night, and had to spend an hour ringing round for a key holder before driving halfway round West Suffolk to collect said key, drive to the clubhouse and back home again. He will remain nameless of course....
