Hello from Sarnia

Because of the electronics? Ok. Then I will just leave the cars outside. I will put the engine in a special container to transport. See nothing is written in stone and thanks for the advice.
What I was going to do is:. 6 cedar 20 inch posts in cement. Then 8 foot planks running along the side and top..spaced apart... Lay straight track secured to a 8 foot board. Have nails protruding through the board so board will stay in place. Put a roll of roofing under the board covering the entire bottom of the tunnel. Make sure the water runs off the roofing roll....no pooling. Make a not air tight wooden frame for tunnel. Then cover most of tunnel with roll of roofing. ....
moisture can wreak havoc on solder, get weird oxidation/corrosion. Rolling stock safer for sure. A light coating on the wheels and springs of a marine grade anti corrosion spray will work well, lanocote is great, it is spray lanoline like in hand lotion, natural, non toxic. I do leave certain locos out under an awning, but I am in San Diego, so not as cold, but we often have 80% humidity

moisture can wreak havoc on solder, get weird oxidation/corrosion. Rolling stock safer for sure. A light coating on the wheels and springs of a marine grade anti corrosion spray will work well, lanocote is great, it is spray lanoline like in hand lotion, natural, non toxic. I do leave certain locos out under an awning, but I am in San Diego, so not as cold, but we often have 80% humidity

Yes my house is humid so is my cold basement where it is stored now but not below freezing like outside. It is cold outside here untill mid May. I will get some Lanocote for metal wheels and springs.
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Just a thought, this is the introduction thread, how about opening new threads with the appropriate titles for each topic you wish to discuss, that way the rest of us would know what you want to talk about. Obviously there is always thread drift, but this introduction has gone on now for 205 posts :)
Just a thought, this is the introduction thread, how about opening new threads with the appropriate titles for each topic you wish to discuss, that way the rest of us would know what you want to talk about. Obviously there is always thread drift, but this introduction has gone on now for 205 posts :).........I am a new member in the New Members Forum.....What does the moderator think? I am learning a lot here getting started on my garden railway in Canada.
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Ok sounds good Greg. Where can I transfer to for my tunnel.... I appreciate your help. For me this is all part of the hobby... Now I am weather proofing wood I already have to use making the tunnel.... My train will rust and corrode in my cold damp basement anyways. So I need to know all this regardless. Or just continue here in this post... Does not matter to me. I got my break wheel in the mail today ..yaaa
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Feel free to start a new topic in the general forum.

"Ideas for a storage tunnel" might be a good topic title.

You might want to consider building the tunnel from concrete block, and drape tarpaper over it for waterproofing.

If you are going to put earth on the tunnel, wood will eventually rot, and you do want a water barrier around the tunnel.

Ok Greg I will start a new topic there. I will put up pictures as I progress. Ya I never thought about concrete blocks. Hmm