Help Newbie Choose/setup Digital!

I have 2 friends I talked into the esu setup. They are an outstanding value and work well. I personally use 2 of the Ecos 2.0 which uses the same handheld. My outdoor unit I have added the 8 amp booster. The system is state of the art. I use old smart phones for guests to run trains. I think you are going in a good direction. I owned the NCE 10 amp unit. works but seems to be yesteryear's tech. Highly recommend ESU.
Geoff, valid point, I lost a router, video player (a while ago) and blew the TV fuses in a lightening storm, never considered disconnecting my devices TE and ancillary drivers, I assume a strike will take it all out - never happen with battery power ;)
I have for quite a few years been disconnecting the Track from my Massoth System by the simple expedient of removing the plug on the rear and placing it as far away from the Controller as possible. These days less of a worry as the Garden is all Battery Trains now, however I still use Track juice in the Shed for power on occasion. Perhaps I should disconnect all of my Outside Wiring, but I do like to keep my options open.

Strange thing this Track Power, my Big line at Luton circa 1986-2000 was never Track Powered as it was run by Live Steam predominantly with the odd Battery Loco. Then I moved to Hemel and got into Track Power with DCC and replicated that here in St.Neots. Now I have come full circle and returned to those Garden Railway roots.
sigh, seems any track power thread eventually gets the "well that will never happen for me because I have battery power".... you can definitely make a list of those items.

Likewise you do the other thing, like never buying replacement batteries, never overcharging and damaging a battery, never not run trains because batteries are flat, etc.

Can't run smoke, uses too much current, etc.

When a thread is specifically on choosing a DCC system, how is this helpful?

sigh, seems any track power thread eventually gets the "well that will never happen for me because I have battery power".... you can definitely make a list of those items.

Likewise you do the other thing, like never buying replacement batteries, never overcharging and damaging a battery, never not run trains because batteries are flat, etc.

Can't run smoke, uses too much current, etc.

When a thread is specifically on choosing a DCC system, how is this helpful?

Greg, loosen up, don't be so stiff, did you not see the "wink" meaning lighthearted
Jon was as much commenting on the damage that could potentially (no pun) be caused, by a nearby lightning strike..

Of course, all his receivers only need a tiny signal, so there is a slight risk of a strike frying even disconnected (and turned off) equipment.

Really, it is a wonder we do not hear of more problems than we do. :think:
Perhaps I should have mentioned that the Line at Hemel had LGB MTS and while there I obtained my Massoth System. I never used the Massoth in anger (it being in the Loft at Hemel used for changing cv’s etc) till I moved to the Nits where the Massoth System was finally used. My old MTS was mostly sold off via Glendale Junction but I still have some of it with my old Windows 98 PC to do the odd upgrade to Chips as required, I recently helped out a member of this Forum with his Chip installation and the old LGB System came in quite handy.

sigh, seems any track power thread eventually gets the "well that will never happen for me because I have battery power".... you can definitely make a list of those items.

Likewise you do the other thing, like never buying replacement batteries, NOT YET AND OLDEST BATTERY LOCO DATES BACK TO 2011
never overcharging USE A and damaging a battery, SMART CHARGER SO NEVER HAPPENED AS YET SINCE 2011

Can't run smoke, uses too much current, etc.

When a thread is specifically on choosing a DCC system, how is this helpful?

PERHAPS my notes above the quote may throw some light on the DCC issue, though I always feel it worthwhile to point out to a newby with requests that another option is available thus giving a rounded view to new Model Railway Types, oh and yes you can have Battery DCC as well all onboard the Loco! New guys may not be fully aware of these possibilities.
Therefore, a newbie asking "what r/c system should I use for my battery operated trains" should be given the option of DCC and also a proviso that certain characteristics of batteries are not good?

(this is exactly the mirror image of what you are stating)

I strongly disagree when a very directed question is asked and you question the basics.... to me is it like "do I want pork or beef for dinner", and the response is why are you eating food, maybe you should go on an all liquid diet.

I strongly disagree when a very directed question is asked and you question the basics.... to me is it like "do I want pork or beef for dinner", and the response is why are you eating food, maybe you should go on an all liquid diet.


No different to "should I smoke a cigar or a cigarette", and the response being why are you smoking at all. A smoker would not understand the response, whereas a non-smoker would consider it the correct response. I am not say which is right or wrong, just that we are all different. :) :)
Think the expression ‘loosen ones corset a little’ is an expression that could be made. Still I have a thick skin, well being somewhat dense I guess that goes without saying!
Thank you gentlemen. On other forums this is not allowed, but I see that here it is ok.

So, I won't nnecessarily stifle myself when a similar opportunity presents itself as I have in the past. To follow the examples given above, there's many people who have no business with wires and batteries and a soldering iron, and those people would be better off buying a loco with the remote control system installed already.

Sorry if I have offended anyone, just getting "calibrated" here.

Problem solved..... I used string but i suppose you could use wire. Fool proof.

dig 170522001.JPG


This topic has gone way off topic.

Thanks for all the helps and tips.

FYI, I have got myself a new ESU Cab Control for $360 out the door. Can't wait for it to arrive in the mail. I also went ahead and splurged on a slightly used LGB 26814.

Ill go ahead and open another thread in the future on help with regards to laying track and wiring in the garden.
Thanks for the 'full-stop', and letting us know your choice. - Useful for others in the future.

You will find 'thread-drift' is an occupational hazard. ;):rolleyes:

Start your thread, and let us know how you are getting on.. Most of all, enjoy your trains! :)
