Hello all. Just joined your fantastic forum and already need help.
So have always had the good old Hornby 00 trains and finally taken the big step to “G” gauge!
I have bought myself off of eBay (no doubt off of someone who is a member of this forum), an LGB Lehmann Stainz 0-4-0 20212 no.2774. So at present I have the loco and nothing else, no track, transformer etc. A complete g gauge virgin! So to begin, I can find plenty of information on Lehmann and LGB but no manual or instructions for my little loco. I think it’s one of the more modern ones with the round speaker in the roof, but am unsure if it has a smoke system? As no switch underneath at front. Looking down the funnel it looks like a smoke gen, but not sure. There is a three position switch at the fire door in cab. It’s also missing it’s driver which I would like to replace.
so any help with instructions on what to buy (track, starter kits, spares, transformer, etc) and pdf manual would be massively appreciated.