How do I program Massoth S decoder connected via SUSI with Massoth Service Tool

To recap... yes control via SUSI does work, both in Function Key operation and CV programming using the CV's allocated to the SUSI banks of CV's, tested and verified using the PIKO DCC System and the Massoth Programmer, and both templates work as they should.

Below in the picture, M Decoder to S Decoder via SUSI cable, quite why an XL Decoder has so much trouble, will have to refer that one to Massoth for an answer.

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Thanks for your update. I will try same as you with XL decoder (instead of M decoder) again.
I think more USA Massoth users need to come to this forum, there are amazing twists and turns to getting some of this to work. My hat is off to you experts to figure this stuff out. Seriously, I would have thrown the equipment off a cliff by now.

Without insult to Massoth, I'll stick to my Zimo system thank you very much, I think you could make a career of figuring this stuff out!

Just a quick update, swapped XL decoders, all working as it should, seem to have a faulty decoder, already winging its way back to Massoth.

Just to confirm the compatibility of a Massoth S Decoder with communication and programming control via the SUSI interface bus, hooked up to a PIKO 36125 decoder.........

Massoth S to 36125 PIKO SmartDecoder 4.1.png
Just to understand, is there a programming mode that still does not work?

i.e. using the SUSI output on the programmer to the decoder? I read back through the thread, and cannot seem to find your post where you listed the programming configurations that did not work?

We have issues here in the states getting good information on Massoth.

Thanks, Greg
Quick update from correspondence with Frank Nöller earlier this morning, the missing templates for version 4.2 are scheduled for inclusion in the next service update for the Massoth Service Tool on/around the 1st of June.........
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Another quick up date from Frank Nöller, with reference to the usage of the original Massoth eMOTION S via SUSI >V3.5 decoder template, that contained a minor error which has now been corrected, and this will also be updated with a new revised decoder template in the next scheduled service update.
According to an email from Frank on 4 May there will be an update for the PC module 'shortly'. Maybe all will be revealed in June.
Set of email attachments received earlier from Frank Nöller for the requests for updates and corrections, will work through them and reply back.
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Yep, updates downloaded, case of working through them.
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Although I now have a a template for the S PluG with the 900 series CVs I still cannot read or write to these CVs. Should there also be a firmware update for the S PluG?
Have you updated the code in the MST device itself?

I haven't tried to update my SUSI connected S decoder yet as I can't find an updated template for that with CVs in the 900 range so far.
Yes Dave, I updated the PC Module and downloaded the template updates released during the week.I tried the susi >V3.5 versions, all of which have the 900 series CV's in the list. The standard CV addresses are individually read/write, but not the 900 series which is the point of the template.
I also suspect Frank may be on vacation as I have had no response from the Hotline.
Still going round in circles.
Have you tried changing the 900-series CV's individually on a programming track from a Navigator?
Then try a listing, using the PC Module..

A bit of a faff, but might be a work-around for you?

Below template tried and tested, XL as host decoder, S decoder via SUSI bus.

82x2xxx) eMOTION S Decoder via SUSI V3.5.PNG

82x2xxx) eMOTION S Decoder via SUSI V3.5 CV List.PNG

XL2 Plug, from reading the post, and given that standard CV's can be read, have you changed CV49 from Massoth bus to SUSI bus?
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Thanks Shed, that has opened the connection. I had previously tried setting the XL to the SUSI bus, but not the S module. So, setting CV 49 to 16 was the breakthrough.
Since this is the S decoder via SUSI >3.5 couldn't the setting of CV49 be incorporated into the template.
Anyway, thanks again.
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