, using the Navigator for programming, the S Plug sound module SUSI CV's are accessible to READ and WRITE.
Re the XL 2 Plug decoder, version 4.10 is the latest, decoder template and programming from a Navigator handset work as expected.
S Plug sound decoder, Firmware updated to 4.20, replacement sound file uploaded, redesigned template using conventional standard CV's works as expected, MST and programmer unable to communicate via SUSI.
With the Massoth 1210Z and Navigator SUSI CV's are accessible.
As these items are discontinued and the original info goes back to 2018, probably not worth the time or effort involved to find a solution to the MST and programmer problem.
At present working through a 100 odd pieces of Massoth equipment, some dating back to 2014 or so, been updating any relevant Firmware changes as required, testing the existing decoder templates, and making any alterations or improvements as required, uploading new sound files, etc, etc, have now put some serious effort into creating a 'blog', busily writing notes and later this year, is where any further info and details can be found.