How steep an incline can be

upload_2018-5-24_18-50-22.jpeg I don't think these are %. Don't forget who invented railways!!! :p:p:p
It's a lineside grade indicator in feet - to the left the gradient is 1 foot in 220 feet, and to the right, one foot in 132 feet.

Wasn't it the Romans? o_O No, they just invented standard gauge wheel ruts. The rails came later. :D
I thought that was Whitworth.
Nope, he developed the hexagon-headed bolt and wrench and thread system that bears his name. AND the hexagonal bullet that was fired with astonishing accuracy from the hexagonally-bored rifle that also bears his name - much-used by the Confederacy during the WoNA [ask General John Sedgwick]. Artillery also got his attention and his factory produced a range of hexagonal-bore field guns.

Anyhow - the average Roman wagon was designed to be hauled by two horses/donkeys/oxen/other BOBs - this made the width of the axles pretty much a standard measurement throughout the Roman Empire. The wheels were therefore more or less that same distance apart, as you can see by the still-present wheel ruts in Pompeii and Herculaneum. That distance is ~4ft 8 1/2"...

Sound familiar?

So the Romans invented horses..
Two horses need about 4' 81/2" between the wheels, so they don't trip / break anything.
When they left (the Romans, not the horses!), it ain't broke, so we left it? :):nod::nod:
So the Romans invented horses..
Two horses need about 4' 81/2" between the wheels, so they don't trip / break anything.
When they left (the Romans, not the horses!), it ain't broke, so we left it? :):nod::nod:

Yeah but, someone did try to fix it!

I must pay attenshun in the Forum..
I must pay attenshun in the Forum..
I must pay.. Oh, the bell!! End of lesson...

Interesting, nice to have that gradient information right there... railway gradient posts, what a concept.

I like this one...


Some railway companies used the word level instead of the infinity sign :nerd::nerd::nerd:

Perhaps that sign came from Buzz Lightyear's railway