OK, Some part numbers for you. I use Massoth so that's what I'll illustrate here, but there of course others,
If you get a grasp of the kit from one make, its fairly easy to visualise the kit from another.
As Dave said above- You will need a base station (central station - same thing)
The Dimax 2010Z
You need a power supply
The Dimax 1200T. This will give you up to 12 amps of power at about 22 volts - loads of power.
(Transformers are now a thing of the past - its now a 'switching power supply - does a similar thing only uses electronics rather than wire coils. It is more efficient)
You need a controller
The Dimax Navigator. This runs trains but can also do basic programming (CV's)
That will get you running.
For your locos you need decoders.
The L and XL will drive your trains, the XL being more powerful for two or more motors.
For sound you want the LS and XLS, also a speaker - the 8241010 fits most things.
To add sound to existing DCC fitted locos you use the eMotion S
Moving forward for wireless controller you need the receiver - Dimax RC receiver, and the transmitter for your Navigator - Dimax RC transmitter. (this can be got ready installed in your Navigator when you buy it).
There US and EU transmitters - In Prague I am pretty certain you'll want the EU one.
That's about it. you can add points decoders and all sorts of automation later.
Also - there is the Dimax PC module, this is an easy way to play around with CVs and updates to software.
Find a dealer and take this list with you. Ask more questions here and the best of luck.
You probably know but Massoth is a German brand and is mostly made in Germany - so it may be cheaper from there.
Have a nose around here.