I've now completed painting the platform edge.
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Before glueing, the balsa edging had been sprayed with stone effect paint (thanks for the suggestion). Once the glue was dry I tried to make each slab look different using Humbrol enamel washes (plus some Woodland Scenics green). I did 6 to 8 'stones' at a time. First I brushed dark grey into the joins to try and create a shadow effect. While the grey was still wet, I then painted some individual stones with dark brown, white or green. Again before the paint was dry, I painted all the stones, including those already painted brown/white/green, with a sand wash. The aim being to make all the stones slightly different, but still toning in together. Hopefully this has worked.
If you wonder what the black is under the track on the left, it is thin plasticard. The layout is on 8 baseboards and needs to be able to be dismantled. To assist this, the track section over the baseboard can be removed by undoing the Hillman rail clamps (I remembered to get the screwheads on the right side). The black plasticard will be glued to the sleepers on the removable track, after which it will be ballasted. Hopefully I'll just be able to lift the section out, complete with ballast. There is also a small length of similar plasticard under the end of the fixed track to bring it up to the same height as the removable section.
What I am finding suprising/challenging is all the new things I need to find out because I've gone indoors with my LGB. For example, I need some platform lamps, but these need to work and be easily removed, yet look realistic - where can I find some?
Secondly, there is a space between the tracks which won't all be filled with ballast, so I'm having to study photographs of the Harz lines to find out what would be there - certainly don't want flat painted baseboard on show.
Third, I'm going to need some doors and windows for my scratch built station building, but where do I get them from?
There will now be a couple of months gap while I'm too busy with work etc to make much progress.