Hi, At this time i not sure where i am going, i will work with my bachmann for now, Was thinking of lgbWhat type of locos and rolling stock are your preference and how do see your power requirements - electric track power, battery, live steam or mixture of the previously mentioned ? While some of us, like myself, concentrate on 1 or 2 subject/scale areas and power systems a whole host run just what they like, using both "prototypical" and "freelance" rolling stock.
What seems to unite a lot of us is a liking for LGB's, and all the myriad of compatible makes', code 332/45 mm gauge track systems. That's not to say some run on 32 mm gauge, or even both. Max
but they use skates i think to collect power, lgb can not collect power from plastic parts of PECO G 45
track, as far as i know.
I already have about 50 yards of peco from a previous attempt at g scale,so not prepared to buy
a different typa of track . still at the thinking stage at the moment.