just toy,s

What type of locos and rolling stock are your preference and how do see your power requirements - electric track power, battery, live steam or mixture of the previously mentioned ? While some of us, like myself, concentrate on 1 or 2 subject/scale areas and power systems a whole host run just what they like, using both "prototypical" and "freelance" rolling stock.

What seems to unite a lot of us is a liking for LGB's, and all the myriad of compatible makes', code 332/45 mm gauge track systems. That's not to say some run on 32 mm gauge, or even both. Max
Hi, At this time i not sure where i am going, i will work with my bachmann for now, Was thinking of lgb
but they use skates i think to collect power, lgb can not collect power from plastic parts of PECO G 45
track, as far as i know.
I already have about 50 yards of peco from a previous attempt at g scale,so not prepared to buy
a different typa of track . still at the thinking stage at the moment.
Hope you didn't think I was prying, Alan - the only reason I asked was in order to help people give more relevant advice - for example, if you were a wheelchair user then easy access to reach the track would be the highest priority....
I think your plan for a raised line in the garden sounds an excellent way to go in the circumstances. I think you'll find that while good tracklaying always helps in any scale, in general terms G scale is much more forgiving tn O gauge in that respect!

There are several of the local G Scale Society members in and around the Braintree area, including Gordon who is the Essex area group organiser, though I don't think he frequents this forum much. If you haven't already joined the GSS then it would be a good idea, for around twenty quid a year you get four quarterly magazines, plus it will give you access to a lot of local contacts and a busy program of members' open garden events through the warmer months; I appreciate you say that you don't get out much, but if you do have access to transport then we also have a monthly get-together in Salcott (on the Blackwater Estuary, just South-East of Tiptree) during the winter months - our next one is this coming Saturday, the 3rd. If you have any way of getting down there, you'd be made most welcome and would get to meet a lot of good folks who can give you all kinds of advice and help.

As to all the questions, just ask away!

I dont think your prying, just taking an interest in me, thank you.
only transport i have is mobility scooter,that want get me far.
Realism for me is very important. My line was at ground level and ballasted with the planting around the railway as near to scale as possible. This was because I liked making films of my line and didn't want fences, sheds, the house or other 1:1 scale items to be seen in the background. Getting down and close to the action adds additional realism too.
Have a look at this video to see what I mean.

Liked your video, i also talk to my trains,but they ignore me,i do talk to myself ,still get no answers
I'd say your idea of doing a little each day and seeing what happens is a good one. Pace yourself and try to set things up so you can run trains from early on. You may be able to fit in a temporary oval, but even if you just have a straight stretch of track and a run around you can end each day with a bit of running to and fro and shunting.
they use skates i think to collect power, lgb can not collect power from plastic parts of PECO G 45
track, as far as i know.

I'm not aware of any pick up issues running LGB locos with skates on Peco G45 track. It would be a bit of a sales problem for Peco if there were. Whether you use a wheel alone as a current collector, a skate or both they all pick up from the rail head. As I understand it LGB locos and others also use their wheels as pickups as well as the skates when fitted.

There could be an issue when mixing Peco's G45 code 250 height rail with LGB's taller code 332 height rail where they join and any locos using skates if there is a mismatch in rail head height. Peco make an track joining adapter though to overcome this issue. Not just LGB use skates. So you should have no restrictions on where source your locos and stock from when using Peco G45. So long as they can be gauged at 45 mm :).

I assume that you intend to carry on running the Bachmann Big Hauler as is, for now, to operate your line as a simple DC track power one. If you get a hankering for live steam you will find a lot of the product, nominally described as 16 mm scale, are readily gauge adjustable between 45 mm and 32 mm. Max
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Hi, At this time i not sure where i am going, i will work with my bachmann for now, Was thinking of lgb
but they use skates i think to collect power, lgb can not collect power from plastic parts of PECO G 45
track, as far as i know.
I already have about 50 yards of peco from a previous attempt at g scale,so not prepared to buy
a different typa of track . still at the thinking stage at the moment.
Is the Peco track code 200 or Code 250 Alan?

Code 200 is for G1 (Peco SL 800) and Code 250 (Peco SL 900) is for G scale, but both are 45 mm gauge.

It'll make a difference as I believe Bachmann wheels have deeper flanges and will hit the chairs on the Code 200 track....
There have been reports of skates arcing on Peco G45 pointwork - but there are ways round that so carry on and just ask.
There have been reports of skates arcing on Peco G45 pointwork - but there are ways round that so carry on and just ask.

Yes, I've had experience (when visiting other people's lines) of both LGB and Piko skates briefly shorting as they cross the frogs on Peco code 250 pointwork - sometimes (though not always) enough to cause a DCC system to trip out....
As you say, there are work-arounds, the most common I've seen (aside from removing the skates altogether) being a thin strip of brass following the contour of the skate, on the inside edge - which maintains electrical contact where it is needed while lifting the outside edge of the skate so it doesn't touch anything it shouldn't......

I'm not aware of any pick up issues running LGB locos with skates on Peco G45 track. It would be a bit of a sales problem for Peco if there were. Whether you use a wheel alone as a current collector, a skate or both they all pick up from the rail head. As I understand it LGB locos and others also use their wheels as pickups as well as the skates when fitted.

There could be an issue when mixing Peco's G45 code 250 height rail with LGB's taller code 332 height rail where they join and any locos using skates if there is a mismatch in rail head height. Peco make an track joining adapter though to overcome this issue. Not just LGB use skates. So you should have no restrictions on where source your locos and stock from when using Peco G45. So long as they can be gauged at 45 mm :).

I assume that you intend to carry on running the Bachmann Big Hauler as is, for now, to operate your line as a simple DC track power one. If you get a hankering for live steam you will find a lot of the product, nominally described as 16 mm scale, are readily gauge adjustable between 45 mm and 32 mm. Max
thank for that,must have got my info. wrong,
I'm not aware of any pick up issues running LGB locos with skates on Peco G45 track. It would be a bit of a sales problem for Peco if there were. Whether you use a wheel alone as a current collector, a skate or both they all pick up from the rail head. As I understand it LGB locos and others also use their wheels as pickups as well as the skates when fitted.

There could be an issue when mixing Peco's G45 code 250 height rail with LGB's taller code 332 height rail where they join and any locos using skates if there is a mismatch in rail head height. Peco make an track joining adapter though to overcome this issue. Not just LGB use skates. So you should have no restrictions on where source your locos and stock from when using Peco G45. So long as they can be gauged at 45 mm :).

I assume that you intend to carry on running the Bachmann Big Hauler as is, for now, to operate your line as a simple DC track power one. If you get a hankering for live steam you will find a lot of the product, nominally described as 16 mm scale, are readily gauge adjustable between 45 mm and 32 mm. Max
Thanks for that,got my info. wrong.one day maybe live steam,
i have a r / c. roundhouse loco and tender
Is the Peco track code 200 or Code 250 Alan?

Code 200 is for G1 (Peco SL 800) and Code 250 (Peco SL 900) is for G scale, but both are 45 mm gauge.

It'll make a difference as I believe Bachmann wheels have deeper flanges and will hit the chairs on the Code 200 track....
Hi. code 250 rail all seems to run o/k.thanks
George Schreyer's website has a lot of information about the Bachmann 4-6-0.

I ran one for many years before I could afford an Accucraft C-19, which was a more accurate model of EBT #7. Still can't find an EBT 4-6-0 !
And the chassis are readily available when you blow a motor or gearset. Bachmann has regular sales and sells them as spare parts in the US for $45-ish.
a western themed layout... be most welcome, Sir!

do you remember john wayne in true grit? (i mean the original, not one of the remakes)
reins between the teeth and forwards at full speed.
that is the right way to start a layout as well. go for it, and sort out any mistakes later.
and no matter, how good and long you plan, there always will be hindsight triggered changes.
during the last ten years or so i am working on my fourth western themed layout.
(and none of the first three was really finished.)

concerning the hands, i try to work less with hammering, sawing and screwing, instead i glue a lot. preferably coffee stirrers.
Welcome aboard Alan.
Thanks once again for all suggestions and advice ,plenty to think about.
just got to get up of my bum and start work.

I will be back for more help, that i am sure of.
No such thing as a stuiped question..carnt say about the answers except there are some incredibly talented folks on here only to happy to help

Not only am I one of the incredibly talented, I'm also more than likely the most modest, too.

Ottawa Valley GRS