Lazy Grange Bay 3...a new start

Below is a photograph that I downloaded from the internet many years ago. I modified it using Microsoft paint to paint out some extraneous tracks and to enhance the foliage to make a more natural setting. The locomotive is unretouched. I used it as my computer desk top image for years until the Grandchildren came along and they took pride of place. I have posted it in the past in a thread on locomotive weathering and it received criticism for being unrealistic. I could not disagree more, I think it was done brilliantly and very brave of the owner.


Will you be weathering it?:devil:
Er . No..clean . Service were suitable and if's still going to get run...
I have coveted these Garretts since they were released and would love to own one, but there again I would give my right arm to be ambidextrous. I am totally gobsmacked that any owner of one of these highly desirable, exquisitely modelled and, let's face it, expensive models, would allow it to deteriorate to the extent this one had. I am sure there are a few out there kept as 'Shelf Queens' and probably never run, indeed there was one for sale recently on Evilbay complete with glass display case. I am pleased that this example had obviously been extensively used (I hesitate to use the word 'well' used ), but I cannot believe the poor condition in which it had ended up. All power to Mike for rescuing it, it's almost like an episode of Wheeler Dealers where an old banger is restored to pristine condition.


Glad to see that it's has gone to a good home and is being restored to its former glory. Nice one Mike.
I spotted a brand new one last week on was purchased by a collector and never run.
It now resides here on the Linz Gstadt Bahn
Great find Mike,shame about the condition it was in but you will sort in the end,if they can restore Big Boy then no problem for this beastie,keep us posted;);)
Glad to see that it's has gone to a good home and is being restored to its former glory. Nice one Mike.
I spotted a brand new one last week on was purchased by a collector and never run.
It now resides here on the Linz Gstadt Bahn
Doubleheadding heaven
There again

More progress..
Seized front motor block..on the bends ...
Ideler gears worn...gear on axles missing teeth. Bullets shot..and a worn D gearbox..
New wheel sets fitted on new axles
With new gears..yes I know they come with a gear wheel.. except they don't make garret wheel's a case of a crock axle with mallet wheels and a gear..with matching ideler gear. .rebuild the new the bullets and buzz bars and 3 pins..the original motor was fine..
Rebuild front end..
Then remove smokebox and boiler /cab...light sanding with wet/dry..repaint the running plate and the smoke box...rebuild ...
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What did the Haynes manuals used to say? :think:
I have one of these if you need to borrow it....
