now we need to get our humbrull paint pots asembled,. and a scrap peaces of plastic to mix the colours up on to..i use a viratiy of colours,as bricks dont all lookthe same.. well, not mine!
so. i use one colour, and paint random bricks around the building, on differnt walls.. i then use a differnt colour/sade..and mix it in.. and again, random is the name of the ggame
fannys, is a learning curve, like everything.. u learn as u go.. i fixed thewindow frames inside the buildings.. simple super glue holds them..origanlluy designed to be pushed into the holes, i think they look better..more relistic me thinks..later buildings, i ve made a faombord surport inside, to hold the windows..learning curve!
now so far, we have just used jacksons miniuters windows, and a door. theback door i made.. but we need to make the shop window.. i used some angle plast struck, and some clear plasticard glazzing .. its not rocket sinances!
good job with my spelling!
the roofs prity much stright forward.. measure twices, cut onsce
mark out thetiles.. now i could, do individuule tiles,and stick them on.. but.. my buildings live in sunny whitworth.. and its been known to ocausaalnly rain.. a lot.. sideways
so weather proof.. one peaces, scribed in tiles..i use the wire brush to rough the tiles surface up..
i added the viynal letters on the front window, Fannys Fish.. a ledlight lights up the shop inside.. and thats fannys.. its going to be part of a curved run of 3 buildings.. arkrights, bobs, and fannys fish.. ABC
this is the start(tags not watching, so we should be fine) of arkwrights..
which i will be takeing to the g scale gathering..aka grail
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