Lgb 2085d Mallet Problem

Just a couple of points, Bob - the big metal lump isn't a heat-sink - it's simply a ballast weight to give the loco sufficient traction. Just wanted to point that out in case you thought that the circuit board had to stay connected to the weight for heat dissipation reasons - it doesn't, any heat generated in the loco circuitry is negligible.

JonD's comments above are entirely correct, IF you wanted to go the whole hog right now and chip the loco for DCC operation - then you'd have to do some surgery and re-wiring of the motor blocks as per his post. However if you simply want to install a Massoth S sound module to operate in analogue mode, you don't need to fiddle with the motor block wiring at this stage - there should be two pins somewhere on the loco's main circuit board that are directly wired to track power, and the two wires from the S unit simply plug on to these pins.

Hi all,

Got the new motors. Had to use my Dremel tool to ream out the holder "bushing" since the newer motors have a slightly longer flange. All works well now - motors run to full speed without any problems. I've ordered a Phoenix sound system for the engine and should be here in a week. Installation of the speaker required me to put spacers (used wooden dowels) to raise the motor board and weight to the maximum height - also had to cut away two upper shell longitudinal braces to accommodate the raised board. Will have just enough space for the speaker, sound board and the low voltage battery backup. If anyone has a LBG 2085D and wants specifics of what was done, let me know.

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