LGB 70580 starter set Wangerooge diesel - a review

The red version of this loco has no lead alloy weights in it which makes them lighter than the pre 2008 models, hence the slightly lower tractive effort.
The red version of this loco has no lead alloy weights in it which makes them lighter than the pre 2008 models, hence the slightly lower tractive effort.

Interesting. So the black version with no side windows on the cab came out first, if I recall correctly.
I've added some weight to my red one. Going outside soon to give it a trial run. Let you know the results later.
Well I tested the loco this afternoon with the added weight. Like night and day. No problems on my grades. I'm a happy camper again :rofl:
If I remember rightly, it was one of these that Gaugemaster refused to sell to Mel (having taken his money on line, they sold it to someone else in the shop).

Are these the Gmeinder diesels? if so, there were two at Longmoor running on the only bit of 2'6" gauge track that Longmoor had. They kept them especially because of their hydraulic drive.
This one I think - though this actual one is not from the set.DSC01112 (Small).JPG .
Oops. My finger slipped.
It was this or a V100. Narrow gauge won the contest. I will also be adding weight to mine.

I would go for that any day mate. Got a decent motor in that one.
Said lok arrived today at my office and has been tested briefly.
It is heavier than the ÖBB version 2100 grams versus 2050 grams. Must be down to the sound speaker and extra board so I expect it to be a good hauler

Right from the start i liked the color of the loco which suits it very well. Once owned the black and red loco which is to strictly German/WW2. Didnt like the modern cab of the DB type. However i was in the process of selling all my LGB. Kept the railway for my livesteam locos. During last summer i felt the need for at least one trackpowered loco so bought the setat my local dealership.

Would like to convert to battery, add sound and remote uncouplers. However the bonnet and cab are helt by very little screws which allready have cracked the plastic during assembly at the factory.
I have no idea. As the loco was split from a set, there's no guidance on it and there's nothing which says where the stuff was made in the paperwork I've had.
Gents I have purchased a second hand Wangerooge loco and are in the process of fitting with radio control and rechargable batteries. Does any body want the electrics, circuit board etc and I believe there is a LGB /Massouth Chip attached to this. All carefully removed in a small cardboard box otherwise it will be disposed off.
This is an old thread, Martin, so people may overlook your very generous offer. It may be useful to repeat it, say, in the General G Scale forum.