LGB LCE Improvement project

Great work mate; something to be proud of....
dam why didnt lgb do it this good!!!
top job, love it:thumbup:
That is really smart - well done!
55.5 said:
Brilliant job!! Does it have lights?
Is it analogue or digital?
If its analogue, I have a spare light kit I could send you if you want it.

Yep its analogue, front and rear directional lighting, I'll try to photo that when its dark. Also I'm fitting interior light when I fit the seating. Got it all ready for inside, will install it this week.

Thanks for the offer of light kit, that's very kind but I have all I need to get her lit up like a christmas tree.
Great work and paint job Dave the whole train looks fantastic :thumbup:
Very impressive :thumbup:, I am now shamed into doing one of the NSW Countrylink XPT.
Looks better than the original. Top job:thumbup:
Hello all. Mcvie here. I am 67, but belong to the much dreaded NEWBIE category. I bought one of these on EBAY. It has the sound car, and the lights in the passenger units. I acted in haste, passion, foolishness, and didn't know the windows were pantographed. Well. In my future is a mod much as you are doing sir.

Well done
Welcome to the Forum .Mcvie'!
?Lights and sound in the passenger units? - Is it the LGB model, or a modified Palymobil unit??
Thank you.

I bought it off of Ebay and it's LGB. Or so the seller says. I'll post a pic. If it's not LGB it's going back pronto.

I didn't know Playmobil made a like thing.

Thanks for this information and your kind welcome to this forum.
