LGB LCE Improvement project

Yes, it's by LGB but, based on the photographs on the ebay listing, it's been modified quite a lot!

On the "down" side, the pantographs are missing from the end cars (and not sure what the other holes are all about) and the middle cars have been shortened from 5 windows to three (maybe to make them look better on radius one curves).

On the "up" side, you have got two motor blocks (that's good, though not especially "rare", and certainly not "unique") and the front and rear lights that come with that upgrade kit. You've also got lighting in the middle coaches (not part of the standard upgrade kit). A previous owner must have cut windows into the body shells (as I think you know, they were made with solid sides and printed windows). The windows look "frosted" to me (perhaps to conceal the absence of internal detailing?). Of course, the original model came with just one middle coach, and you've got two! You also seem to have metal wheelsets on the three unpowered bogies (they would originally have been plastic). You've also got "sound" . . . but I'm wondering what kind of sound you're getting.

Whether the seller knew all of this is anyone's guess. The good points might outweigh the "bad" ones for you. I hope you enjoy it when you get it.

Best wishes

Last lot of photos, including a few close ups.

Thanks for all the nice comments, you all kept this project going when it was getting me down.

Having only just seen this thread with it being brought back to life by an Ebay purchase of a thread member, it occurs to me that perhaps a Super Voyager (5 car) or Voyager (4 car) may be an appropriate conversion or one of the similar types that other Train Operating Companies have (Nerifpdians etc). Benefit to this is that as they are Diesels no Pan required, so quite legitamately can run without Overhead Wires. Changes would be very similar those carried out earlier in this thread. Bogies Voyager (none super) versions would need to be quite different as they have inside Bearings. Poor pic below shows side view of a Super (right) and non super left.
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Hey, David,

Thanks for the information. I had just decided to go G scale instead of HO. I have always dreamed of doing G scale, and the fact is my eyes are, well, less than perfect, so G scale is my choice.
I bought the LCE in a moment of less than careful thought. In other words I have the impulse control of a jelly fish.

But, while I would not buy this unit again knowing what I know, as a first buy, I have since bought a Bachmann Spectrum unit, brand new. It was a great buy.

So, it's a mixed bag. I hope this forum will allow me to ask, and I know it's a drag, quite a few questions, as i get up and running.
Anyhow, great to be in this game. Now, how to sell that kidney....

Ask away... Some of the answers will even be useful!

The beauty of the LCE is it is pretty 'bomb-proof' so smaller relatives can be let loose with it..
Yours is definitely *RARE* (as evilBay would have it) so you do have something different.
Hello Mcvie. We have all made purchases such as you have, quick without thinking enough. But it looks like you have a good starting point. So cut away and show us pictures.....:)
Hey, David,

Thanks for the information. I had just decided to go G scale instead of HO. I have always dreamed of doing G scale, and the fact is my eyes are, well, less than perfect, so G scale is my choice.
I bought the LCE in a moment of less than careful thought. In other words I have the impulse control of a jelly fish.

But, while I would not buy this unit again knowing what I know, as a first buy, I have since bought a Bachmann Spectrum unit, brand new. It was a great buy.

So, it's a mixed bag. I hope this forum will allow me to ask, and I know it's a drag, quite a few questions, as i get up and running.
Anyhow, great to be in this game. Now, how to sell that kidney....


Welcome to GSC, Chuck. As others have said, we all make impulse purchases which we later regret... but one of the great things about this hobby is that even when you do, you can usually move the item on to someone else quite easily, often for something close to what you paid - especially if you bought second-hand in the first place rather than paying "new" price. Money paid to buy stuff in G is seldom "lost", unlike many other hobbies and pastimes.....

Anything you want to know, ask away and someone on here will give you a sensible answer (the rest of us reserve the right to give insensible ones....). ;)

Thanks most kindly, lads. I will be working on the LCE. I have some small skill at customizing. I collect 1/32 toy soldier stuff and have done many custom buildings in that scale. I know, Off Topic, but, I'm really looking forward to working on these.

I'm also in touch with a seller who has an Aristocraft Alco set with passenger cars. Wondering how the Aristocraft engines are? Good runners? Junk...?? I know opinions always vary, but I'd like to hear.


Mcvie, or Chuck, as you wish
Okay, I'm not going to go POST CRAZY, but you guys love models, and if you've never seen this, check this out. The level of detail and the size of this is just awesome.

On topic. I'm sure there is a thread about this. I just bought one of these new.
To me it look to be a fairly recent good 'un.
Very nice models but the early version(s?) had issues,
When Bachmann re introduced this model it had been mechanically re engineered. They wouldn't have done that without reason.
Yup, this is the new version. I haven't gotten it yet, big time itchy fingers, but it'll be here soon.
I want badly to buy the Bachmann G scale 3 Truck 55 ton Shay.

What is the consensus about these?

Thanks again,

I want badly to buy the Bachmann G scale 3 Truck 55 ton Shay.

What is the consensus about these?

Thanks again,

Hi and welcome Mcvie.
I have two 3 truckers. One I have extensively re-painted/weathered, the other a recent purchase still 'new'.
Others on this forum will probably be able to tell you more (as I believe the product does have quality issues), however my biggest issue with them is the connection between the main unit and the tender. My older one derailed on a curve, the drawbar on the tender became detached (because it is not connected by any bolts/screws etc) from the main unit and the the main unit continued forward ripping the wiring apart between the two units.
Of course my cursing fixed most of it and the wires are now cobbled back together in a fairly basic manner, and the drawbar altered so that it will not become detached.
I applied the same fix to the newer one and have had no problems.
I have tried to sell the newer one on evil bay without luck - probably want too much for it. Or the market for these in Australia is 'one' ! (Here's a picture of it)
And here is an unfortunately poor picture of the older one with its cab replaced with a timber shed.
Hullo, Mate! Okay, that's my one hideous attempt at international decorum. I'm an American human.
I've read where people are using hot glue where the plug is to strengthen that connection?
That sounds like a swear worthy accident. I myself never swear. Well, only always...
These Shays, the newest ones, are on Ebay for around 300 US dollars. Not sure how that translates.

Thanks for replying, and hello to you.

Oh, and lovely work on the Shay!!!
Hot glue sounds okay, however I prefer to have a more permanent solution. The glue will not keep the draw-bar from dis-engaging - only assist the wires from not detaching from their connectors. Admittedly my method means that the units are semi-permanently attached and require unscrewing to separate the units - but I am able to leave mine together most of the time.
Whatever works, I always say. In my case I plan to create my own railroad. I'll give it a name and buy either unmarked engines and rolling stock, or repaint some I get. I'm not a guy rolling in dough, so I may have to buy lower end stuff, unless I find the right deal out in the world, used.

Nice chatting with you by the way.

I have yet another question, and it may be a stupid one. I am not a rich guy and am planning to build outside in the Spring, when the snow is melted. If I go with battery power, can I use Bachmann aluminum or hollow steel (I think it's aluminum), and came in the Big Hauler sets) outside?

Otherwise I'll have to buy used track where and when I can find it.

By the way, I've run my new Bachmann 2 6 0, and it's a great little engine. I'm still debating my next engine. I'm tempted to go with a USA SD 70. I want the Shay or a Climax, but don't want something that's problematic.

I'm babbling. Any answers to these burning questions is vastly appreciated.
That Bachmann hollow steel track will rust in no time outdoors, it's only good for indoors "round the Christmas tree" or for shelf displays. Also it's not compatible with other standard large scale code 332 track.

Do keep in mind that the long diesels like the SD70 need large radius curves - usually an absolute minimum of LGB's R3 or around 8 foot diameter. [edited, ooops!]

The Bachmann 3-truck Shay is a great loco, I love mine.

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Hey, thanks. I figured, or everyone would be doing that. Not to mention the cheap track is, well, cheap.

I want a Shay. It would run around smaller curves too.

Have you had any quality issues, and if so, what?
