Live Steam Accucraft 2 cyl shay and Climax bogies very stiff springs

Sure, call an Australian-built loco whatever you like. But US-built? Call 'em trucks, like the inventor, Ephraim Shay called 'em in his prospectus.

Whatever! o_O
Okay, okay we get like to be 'accurate' Tac.

I started this thread as I needed input on making the TRUCKS (happy??) on my LS Climax a little more able to deal with uneven track.

I have had some really helpful ideas and some that backed up my own thoughts. So thank you muchly to those that contributed input on the challenge in hand.

But to just 'parachute' into the thread with the only intention being to correct someone about naming a part of a loco as a bogie instead of truck could be called a little pedantic and certainly did not add to the sum of knowledge about the particular problem.

This is what happens on american forums..some people on those places are a little 'trollish' and like to be pedantic and correct others and it can end up nasty.... thank goodness we do things in good humour on this little forum

But I thank you anyway...
Mike, sorry for my part in derailing (excuse the pun) your thread. I certainly hope you are able to sort out your Climax. It looks like a fantastic model and must be impressive under steam. I had the opportunity to see No. 1694 - the only operating Climax in Australia (and I believe the last one ever built) - recently at the Puffing Billy Railway outside of Melbourne. Quite an amazing machine. A YouTube clip (not mine):

Mike, sorry for my part in derailing (excuse the pun) your thread. I certainly hope you are able to sort out your Climax. It looks like a fantastic model and must be impressive under steam. I had the opportunity to see No. 1694 - the only operating Climax in Australia (and I believe the last one ever built) - recently at the Puffing Billy Railway outside of Melbourne. Quite an amazing machine. A YouTube clip (not mine):

Excellent little vid... I hope that my little Climax goes as well after some mods!

No problem about your input Michael.... You were not the one correcting me!!
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Well, I'm sorry that you took it so much to heart, and you can be sure that I'll mind my own business in future where you and fixing stuff is concerned. As for 'parachuting' and 'pedantry, I guess that fits me, too. I was taught that attention to detail was paramount when asking for help or assistance in order that the helper and helpee were both speaking the same language, but I guess that's different where you live, right?

As an aside, my two-truck three-cylinder Shay was the first one sold here in UK, and actually had the holes in the bolsters off-set half an inch to the right of centre. After getting it fixed by Rod Blakeman [and a double-sized gas tank and adjustable steam oil feed fitted courtesy of David Bailey] it has never given me a second's problems, in spite of running on some pretty challenging trackage over the years.

Well, I'm sorry that you took it so much to heart, and you can be sure that I'll mind my own business in future where you and fixing stuff is concerned.

Trouble is Tac, all you did was correct me, you did not have any constructive input on the problem at hand. You just wanted to make a point.
Telling me that I had made a mistake in calling the 'trucks' as 'bogies' was hardly a help for correcting the lack of play, now was it?

There is nothing wrong in being a perfectionist or wanting things named correctly, but when that is all that can be offered, it just ain't worth the time spent.
Oh, and by the way I also live in East Anglia....
Anyhow, hows the loco coming along?
Awaiting new lighter gauge springs and have also spoken with David Mees about creating two 'truck' (bogie) bolts that have inbuilt allowance for 'pitch and yaw'.