Thanks Shed and both Phils, this is all very interesting.... I am familiar with the need to run a new MFX loco on DCC in order to set it onto that protocol before trying to reprogram anything including the loco address, but in this case I HAVE been running it on DCC (alternating with testing on DC) in my attempts to get the sound to work - or to keep working - on DC....
This is the sequence of events, as best I can recall them:
1) Brand-new, box-fresh loco from German dealer; on arrival, I'm pretty sure that I briefly tested it on Massoth DCC and found it to be running and all functions working fine, didn't at that point try to change loco address or do anything else with it; back in the box, until....
2) recently, took loco to friend's line and ran it on his new CS3 MFX system; all working fine, sound ON all the time we were running it.
3) some days later, took it to another friend's line with DC only, loco ran perfectly but NO SOUND.
4) brought it home, tried it on my switchable DC/DCC test track - first on DC, still no sound; switched to DCC (Massoth) and was able to turn sound ON with F6. Switched back to DC, sound CONTINUED to operate (note that the loco was in all cases STOPPED before switching over power supplies, not just toggled over in mid-run!), but after loco was then stopped again and re-started the sound defaulted to OFF. Was able to repeast this several times - switch to DCC and turn sound back on via F6, stop loco and switch to DC, sound works when first re-started but then ceases again after loco is stopped and left for a few seconds.
5) moved loco to Prog track (my test rig has one track dedicated to programming and connected only to the prog outputs of the 1200Z, and a separate "running" track with rollers that is switchable between the DCC track output of the 1200Z and the LGB 50080 DC power pack) and attempted to read some CVs on DCC - read attempts successful, only oddity being that CV1 (loco address) reads back as "7" while loco responds to address "3"! All attempts to WRITE to CVs result in no change and an "X" instead of the expected tick agains the CV number on the Navvy screen.
Later today I will try everything again from first principles, running the loco on DCC on the test rollers for several minutes to see if that re-sets anything.... if still no luck, Martin has very kindly offered to pop round later in the week and bring his CS2 so that we can have a go at it with that....
Edit: PhilP - yes, I'm familiar with the need to change CV1 rather than use the "set address" function on the Navvy - CV1 reads back as "7", but loco still responds only to address "3"....