New Accucraft steamer?

its not april the 1st is it
I was at the National Summer Steam Up and it ran really well, my first though was I could make a small tram out of the running chassis or simply add some skirts to it.
I have one on order.

The 48" minimum radius is incorrect. It should be able to turn on a 12" (0.3 M) radius.
De Wintons are available from Roy Wood, proprietor of RWM Models who has taken over production of Alan Whitaker's PPS Steam Models' De Winton.
He doesn't have a web site yet, but Chris Bird has hosted a page on his Summerlands Chuffer web site.
Regner do a nice one......
steamtom1 said:
NH Neil,
Some things are so ugly, they are beautiful. Case in point...

EP1 in original condition, before the pony trucks were added. That is a thing of rare beauty to me!!
ROSS said:
Someone on a US forum said it looked very much like a BELL loco (never heard of them)...maybe one of our US readers can enlighten us?

Ross follow the link

Bell locomotives began in 1908 and were unusual geared contractors locomotives built in the 1920's, they used the steam drive mechanisms from Stanley Steamer Automobiles, eventually Bell bought out the entire factory contents of Stanley when they went bust and used the drives to power his Critters, another unusual feature is that they burned gasoline (petrol) or distillates instead of bunker oil or coal. That was a nod for contractors who could use the same fuel their trucks used.

Sadly not a single know surviving sample remains today to my knowledge.
MRail said:
Where to fit the R/C??
Between the driver and fireman figures? :thinking:
with a bit of imagination it could be bashed into a steam railmotor a bit like the TVR's
There is one on the Bell link in Vic's posting that doesn't look too daunting.

As has been mentioned before I feel that the length of run achievable will be the key to her sucess. She is obviously small in the boiler , unless there is some cunning design at work.
Run time is easily increased with a Goodall valve and an enlarged fuel tank. There would be extra room in a tram engine body for a larger fuel tank.