Steve thanks for posting - they look like a good base for a bit of fettling and detailing - even a coat of satin varnish would transform the glossy toy like finish :)

I look forward to seeing them on someone's line :)
Deutsche Reichsbahn said:
Looks good indeed!

But these coupling hooks are HUGE:o:
The couplings are indeed much bigger even than "standard" hooks and loops, but bear in mind that these are very much designed as TOYS to be used by small hands. It would make absolutely no sense for Bachmann to fit couplings that young children may struggle with. The couplings are easily replaced or removed all together.
Guys after pushing them round 1st radius curves it is obvious why the couplings are so large. The overall wheelbase of these coaches is 8.75 inches. The Annie/Clarabel are 6.5 inches. The couplings prevent buffer lock and the standard coupling would have problems, especially when propelling. They remind me of a protuding Darjeeling buffer/coupler. For info the wheel diameter is 1.5 inches (Annie is 1.75 inches. There is a spare 'mega' coupling supplied with each coach.


thats why,,,,,,,

your good you are steve!!!

ps back 1st july ish,,,,
Even the guys at Bachmann Europe cannot understand why these have been done without plans to do the loco itself. Maybe Bachmann thought it was a 'quick' conversion of the existing Annie and Clarabel coaches, plus a good addition to the range at minimal expense. Word on the street is that Henry will be the next loco, but I agree if Emily, the Stirling Single, was produced sales would be very, very good.

Does anyone have any dimensions for these?
Saw these in the flesh at Steve's on Saturday. They really do look nice, and although they use the same body as Annie and Clarabel you wouldn't know it at first glance.

Go on Mel. You know you want one :bigsmile::bigsmile:
The coaches are really nice , the green colour is the plastic, the white is mainly on the glazing plastic, although some is spray painted on top of the green. I think the roofs will have to be painted matt grey.

Here's some pics of them running on my track:



They will run round LGB R2 curves OK, although they do squeal alot.

Photos of them on R2 curves:


These ones are quite small for narrow gauage coaches, definitely not big enough for standard gauge gauge 3. Maybe standard gauge gauge 1!! The wheels are huge. I might try converting them to Cleminson style axle arrangement, just for the fun of it :D.
I believe that the decision to produce these cars had nothing to do with the Thomas range and more likely to compliment the release of the retooled Southern 'Lynn'. If I was looking at a 'new' Thomas loco then a 0-6-0 diesel or the 0-6-0 Donald or his twin brother locomotive, his name escapes me (all three would utilise the existing Thomas/James drive).
oberinntalbahn said:
Tim Brien said:
I believe that the decision to produce these cars had nothing to do with the Thomas range and more likely to compliment the release of the retooled Southern 'Lynn'.
Very strange indeed as the L&B only had bogie coaches :confused:

...which Accucraft are doing in 2012.&:
Quite a few have converted these to Gauge 3. THis kind of stock is just what the hobby needs to get people interested.