
For those that didn't get the 3 dry, 3 wet reference the answer is concrete. I had intended to do more post holes today but it was too windy. I did however have quite a good night on eBay last night and think I've now secured almost enough track to complete the task. :)
May be more expensive but Postcrete is certainly easier on the back and sooo much quicker. Can even be used in the Rain, one bag per post.
I felt I'd done enough and beer o'clock could be brought forward a bit. It is Saturday after all.[/QUOTE]
Aaaah beer o clock, best time of the day.
May be more expensive but Postcrete is certainly easier on the back and sooo much quicker. Can even be used in the Rain, one bag per post.

That concrete was for the sub walls below the gravel boards, Jon. 18 bags in total. Postcrete bags are a lot smaller, probably two to one, it would have been expensive.

The posts did indeed all go in with Postcrete.