Thanks for the pics Brian. Yours is definately a solution worth considering. I think Leds might be the answer for me but, then, they would need to be battery powered (to avoid complications like having to put my hand in my pocket

) and of course I would be not be using the smoke units.
I did make some progress this week - after collecting the wheelsets on Sunday - but other matters conspired to keep me out of the shed. Nonetheless, I managed to fit the wheelsets after removing 3mm from each axle journal (they are Accucraft W & L type). Two of the cars have only a pick-up on one bogie, a third with pick-ups on both, and a fourth sans pick-ups!
They did run better but there was still some drag. My simple test was to put them on my 1 in 30 gradient and see if they would roll away. With the orginal wheels they remained stationary, with new wheels they did start to roll. I then remembered I had some EZ Conductive lube so I applied it to the back of the appropriate wheels (all wheelsets had received lube on the axles before this) and this made a huge difference.
I was going to take a pic last night (I left the train out after testing in daylight) but found the camera batteries low. I'll have another go later.
I also did a meter test on the smoke units. Only one duff (the one without the cowl). Also, coming back to lighting, There might be just enough bulbs to fully illuminate two coaches.