Taita Gorge Railway

Nice pics! Reminds me to start getting my camera out again. ;D
;) Today's viewing pleasure comes to you courtesty of JR. No, he didn't take these photos, in fact, wasn't even here. After a bit of ribbing after the last meet about using the return loop a bit more.... today, I used the loop lots. Well, the old Punga had snuffed it, so granddaughter and I extracted a fresh one from our fern nursery (damned things self seed, and grow wild in a corner on our property, not that I'm complaining) and planted it. Of course, I had to test the track to see that it still ran. It does.

Later in the day, very much later actually, there was a rare moment of sunshine 'out back' which needed to be recorded.

Cracking picture with the sun on the loco..
Sigh, wish the sun would come out here.. ::) :(
Our man Doug's been sneaking in some candid views with his video camera, again. Usual high quality... and a disc always turns up in the mail.


WARNING.... Broken link, see below
Just clicked on the link but it says the video is currently being processed :(
trammayo said:
Just clicked on the link but it says the video is currently being processed :(

Bit too quick on posting...... I note it is still 'being processed' 3 hours later. See what I can do.

Try this link..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4wJmsRJGdg&sns=em
;) Got it sussed, I think.... turns out I was trying to load wrong file (menu page, or something). Apparently a two stage process, one to download (half an hour in this case), and a second to process ('overnight' in this instance)

Great. I paticularly like the O&K? loco and tipper trucks they look really good together.
trammayo said:
Great. I paticularly like the O&K? loco and tipper trucks they look really good together.

8) Yes, it is an O&K loco, supposedly owned by Mrs JR. Those tipplers were hiding the batteries. I run a similar green liveried one on track power on the layout. Unfortunately, Doug had to shoot away before we got the Shay and Climax running together.... that would have been spectacular, given the day, and the standard of photography.
:'( From the last great bastion of track power, comes the news today that a battery power capable locomotive, (owned by the railway) and attendant wagon, have successfully run around the Taita Gorge Garden Railway. :-X

My Critter has been rewired, to run off either track or battery .... simple DPDT switch. A plug, ex the e-junk at work, has been wired between the loco, and the Coors car (chosen because, being LGB, the roof is screw on/off, rather than clip fit). The Coors car is yet, though, to receive its 'electronics' (my old Basic TE) and battery pack. Bench test run was satisfactory. Todays test run, under track power still, with jumper wires attached etc, was to ensure that there were no continuity or derailing problems.
;) Pleased to report, that after 7 weeks of inactivity on the Taita Gorge Railway, normal service resumed this afternoon. A quick walk around to do some weeding and leaf removal, drop a few spots of oil on the rail, flick on the switch at the wall, talk nicely to the TE, and she's all go.
8) Tram service should hopefully resume this evening..... Bachmann finally had the motor blocks back in stock, and only took 8 days again from order to arrival on the other side of the world.

The old motor had simply worn out (mainly brushes). The running gear was also nearly life expired, well, I got 14 years out of it.

Looks like I'll be doing a tram/cable car theme at the Masterton show this weekend.
;) First taste of spring today.... warm clear morning, BBQ lunch, run trains, and tram, and get the lawns mowed. Late afternoon, back rolled the clouds, and normal service resumed.

The tram, with its new running gear, waiting at the end of Shady Lane.... tain't goin' nowhere, there's no trolley wire. :-\
Last night's weather forecast.... Strong cold winds, rain, and snow down to 400m.

This afternoon, on the Taita Gorge Railway, after a BBQ lunch, and a spot of gardening.

8) 8) 8)
Gavin Sowry said:
Last night's weather forecast.... Strong cold winds, rain, and snow down to 400m.
This afternoon, on the Taita Gorge Railway, after a BBQ lunch, and a spot of gardening.
I see a snowflake, a palpable snowflake :-\ :-\ :-\ :P
Spring (at last, it's rained every day since the last post), Sunshine, Trains!

The shrubs are in blossom, looks pretty, but drops all over the track..


Oh, and for you guys and guyesses that snoop in on the photo properties, no, it wasn't taken at 5 am... camera was still set on Singapore time. Still, Daylight Saving starts tonight, so I had to change the time in any case. And this new photo uploading system, wow, quick, and easy as. No more excuses for lack of photos now.
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