Now, you would think that on a section of track laid with set track, it would have been a simple case of take out one piece, attach to bridge structure, and reinstall.
I had to take out an extra piece each side of the gap as well. In my haste to get this installed, I just dug a hole for the bridge, reconnected the track, backfilled the abutments, and thought I'd done well.
After running for a while, there were a couple of optical delusions.... backfilling knocked the piers out of vertical, and when I looked behind one of the shrubs, there were kinks in some of the track joints, indicating that the alignment was not right.
Nothing for it, but to rip it out, and reinstall, properly this time. The track was set to correct line on the approaches, and well and truely anchored with some stakes to hold the line. Below final ground level, I put in a brace between the two piers to help maintain proper vertical alignment. All went together nicely, this time, and what's more, looks right (looks left if you stand on the other side
