Happy birthday, Taita Gorge Railway. Always happy to see you.Official 19th birthday photo.
Brave, brave manDon't it just get you, .... day after a big hosting session, some long awaited stuff turns up for the railway. #2 is doing a building job at his place, and 'some of that metal chip you've got there will go good on my railway when you have some left over'. Turns up early this morning with 'how many bucket loads (of ballast) do you want?'
We spread out in places needing a topdressing. I've just finished lining and tamping the track, and of course, testing. Ultimate test, run flat out, backwards... if it stays on, that's good track.
Test train was a complete 8 car Beer Train, no mamby pamby cheating by testing with a railcar, or light engine.
When you skimp on ballast, you are forever having to maintain the stuff, like I had been doing.
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Wellington Anniversary Day (Bank 'oliday, for you non colonials) tomorrow. 27°C forecast. Trains? Nothing else planned.
Not an 'oliday tomorrow, and 33°C forecast at the Taita Gorge...... I feel a thirst coming on.
You could almost be describing issues in the UK last Summer, ‘wrong kind of heat’!33°C, tick.
Thirst coming on, tick.
Early train to the pub, tick.
Train.... heat..... here endeth the ticks.
Exactly 9 km out, red light. Signals failure. Finally crawl another 1.5 km to the station, when we get advised that the heat has sagged the traction wires.
Buses are coming..... now that's the biggest lie in this town, 5 at night there ain't any spares, let alone drivers. Lead item on the 6 pm Network News.
Oh, t'morrow's s'posed to be even hotter. Normally, when trains stuff up, I'd take the day off to play trains, but already pulled that stunt this month after a derailment out the back of Taita Gorge last Thursday when a Hi Rail digger hit a train stop, derailed and ripped up some track.
You could almost be describing issues in the UK last Summer, ‘wrong kind of heat’!
I am ex BR, one of my well respected Superiors was the guy that got quoted for ‘the wrong kind of snow’ he Never did live it down!We have a strong BR 'influence' currently in our staff establishment.