Taita Gorge Railway


Well, a month has gone by since my previous posting. The demand for coal has dropped off, but, train service is still being maintained on the Taita Gorge Railway. I did try mocking up a skeleton frame cab, but it was going to be just too fragile, so open cab she will remain. This shot was yesterday's run.
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Well, a month has gone by since my previous posting. The demand for coal has dropped off, but, train service is still being maintained on the Taita Gorge Railway. I did try mocking up a skeleton frame cab, but it was going to be just too fragile, so open cab she will remain. This shot was yesterday's run.
But as Madman said in another post, you've been paid to fill the loco........
Today, I started wintering down the railway, tonight being the calender start to winter. After the trimming and weeding et al, was done, I tested a concept for my 7/8ths endeavours. Got the mine cars all up and running, then thoughts turned to other supplies for mining..... Pit Props, yes, mines use a lot of timber, so out with the logging disconnects. Them logs measure about 16 scale feet in 7/8ths, sawn in half, they'd be 8 foot... a reasonable size for mine use. Also played around with a Bachmann wagon underframe. It's getting smaller wheels, link and pin couplers, and will be denuded of things like brake gear and linkages. Already looking through plans for a body to mount on it. The existing body, well that was the tank wagon, it's now going to be stuffed (it is now) and mounted as a stationary water tank.

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Been spending so much time lately on my 7/8ths adventures, decided to give everything else a dose of the winter air down here, lest those items go into permanent hibernation.
Outback required a quick weed and leaf removal, along with scraping off some pigeon poo, and it was all go..


Pure photography, straight from the camera..... no tilt or enhancement necessary.

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Back out the front, Critter on the Beer Shunt, and FA on the Main.

You know the rules... once you have finished some maintenance, you have to do a test run, or three.

Edit. Rain stopped play.
Extra Edit. The Umpires have deemed conditions fit to resume play.
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Summer preparation has seen some growth cut back, thus allowing me access to previously unattainable areas for photos. Bit of ballast profiling required, and the leaf blower, then roll on the rest of summer.


View from 'out front'. Some of the shrubs had taken to stabbing me when doing maintenance.... so I showed them who's boss.
That top shot bugged me. It shows quite clearly the tilting cab that didn't go back together properly after I took some parts off for painting.
I was playing around trying to figure what I had done. Loosened a few screws, accidently pushed the cab forward, and 'click'.... one of the keeper tabs had not been forced home, and it wouldn't go in because I had tightened a screw up before the cab was finally in place. It's all fixed now.
After a while, one works up a thirst. Climax 1203 pulling up for a drink this afternoon with the first post Christmas logger.


Actually, it is good drinking weather here (I know, any time is good drinking weather), the wireless is on the Cricket, and DiL had the good sense to give me a 'sampler' pack of craft beers from Santa.... time to 'experiment' with some fancy brews.
Wish I was allowed to drink:)
How many other garden railways out there have celebrated their 21st birthday ?

Yes, Taita Gorge Railway is 21 years old today, and to celebrate, some of the old stock was set out for a run,


To toast the occassion, I tried another of the sample brews, this time an APA (American Pale Ale). Must say, it was better than the IPA (India Pale Ale). Tomorrow will be a different beer.
Wheeling out the BBQ to set up for diner, I spied another 'that will make a nice shot'.


No exposure changes, only 1° tilt. Straight ahead is the train shed, and a busted front coupler if the door is not open. How do I know?
Still in running original stock mode today.
In this sweltering weather, one quickly learns to get the chores on the railway done early morning, then sit back in the shade, run trains, and perhaps take a photo or two.


Old No.1 laid up in the log siding, as No.2 comes around Forest Bend with a work train. The ol' prospector is still trying his luck. Now, years ago with traditional photography, I would have needed a damned good darkroom to get this sort of light balance.


Unretouched 'arty' shot of No.2 at the same time.